(A)   Monthly bills and commodity charges for water and sewer service shall be as established from time to time by the Board of Commissioners. The schedule of fees and deposits shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk and shall be available for inspection during the business office hours of the City.
   (B)   In addition to the rates established in division (A) above, each individually metered user, as a condition to receiving service, shall pay to the City Treasurer the required deposit, if any, which deposit shall be held by the City as its funds and shall not bear interest. A deposit shall be refunded to the user upon the earlier to occur of thirty-six (36) months of uninterrupted service to the user with all fees paid by the end of the period, or termination of service for any reason. The deposit refund shall be credited to payment for service with any balance remaining after termination of service to be paid to the user. Upon termination of service, any refund or balance due amounts of $5 or less will be written off and shall not be refunded or billed to a user.
   (C)   All fees, penalties, and charges collected pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 52 for use of wastewater sewers and wastewater treatment facilities shall be used for the sole purpose of constructing, operating, or maintaining the wastewater facilities of the City or the retirement of debt incurred for same required pursuant to federal law.
(Ord. 07-O-05, passed - -2007)