As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
COMMERCIAL GARBAGE: Refers to garbage produced in commercial establishments, public or quasi-public institutions or establishments, including restaurants, hotels, motels and similar establishments.
COMMUNITY WASTE: Lawn cuttings, clippings from bushes and shrubs, leaves and trees and tree branches.
CONTAINER OR REGULATION CONTAINER: A type of garbage or trash container of galvanized metal or other approved material and having a tight-fitting lid or properly and sufficiently treated weather-resistant paper bag manufactured specifically for use in garbage and refuse collection.
GARBAGE: Waste from the preparation, handling, storing, cooking or consumption of food and food products.
REFUSE: All waste matter, except garbage, attending or resulting from the occupancy of residences, apartments, hotels or other places of dwelling and from the operation of a business. Refuse shall not be deemed to include industrial waste or waste matter resulting from the construction, demolition or repair of a building or other structure.
RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE: Garbage produced in places of private residence and dining halls not open to the public. (1976 Code § 10-411; amd. 2001 Code)
A. All garbage and refuse shall be collected, removed and disposed of with such frequency and in such manner as the town council may from time to time establish by regulation. (1976 Code § 10-412; amd. 2001 Code)
B. Except as otherwise expressly permitted by this chapter, no garbage or refuse shall be moved or hauled away or transported upon the streets or public ways of the town except by the town or its agent and except by authorized persons hauling commercial garbage or refuse as hereinafter provided. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, except as permitted in this chapter, to haul or remove garbage or refuse in the town.
C. Commercial establishments, public or quasi-public institutions and establishments creating commercial garbage, may remove commercial garbage themselves or may employ the services of authorized contractors to remove commercial garbage. Authorized garbage haulers must apply for and receive permission to do so from the town clerk. Haulage of refuse must be done in the manner, at such times and in such vehicles as may be approved for such purposes as the town council may from time to time by regulation provide.
D. Nothing contained in this section shall preclude persons from hauling their own garbage, trash or community waste over the streets and alleys of the town in vehicles and containers approved by a sanitary inspector or such other personnel of the town as the town council may authorize.
E. Nothing in this section shall be construed as eliminating the charge made for garbage service. (1976 Code § 10-412)
A. Established: All residents and all business establishments within the town shall pay the town the garbage service charges in such amounts as established by resolution of the town council. (1976 Code § 10-413; amd. 2001 Code)
B. Applicability: Charges shall apply to all residences and business establishments whether or not they have also elected to haul their own garbage or employ the services of authorized garbage haulers.
C. Vacancy: If a dwelling unit or a place of business has remained vacant for an entire month, the owner or possessor of the site may make arrangements with the town clerk for no garbage collection charges during the continued vacancy of the premises.
D. Exception For Specific Persons: The mayor, with the consent of the town council, may excuse needy widows and elderly persons who are not reasonably capable of paying the monthly charge for residential collection of garbage from the payment of the residential rate for such period of time as may be deemed proper or necessary. (1976 Code § 10-413)
E. Billing:
1. The garbage service charges above imposed by this section shall be added to the charge made for water furnished through the water system of the town and shall be billed and collected in the same manner as water service charges are billed and collected.
2. In the event that the obligee for the water service charges and the obligee for the garbage service charges do not coincide, or in the event that practical economic and administrative reasons do not make combined billing and collection feasible in the opinion of the town council, the garbage service charges may be collected with such frequency and in such manner as the town council shall by regulation provide. (1976 Code § 10-414)