10-9-1: Purpose
10-9-2: Scope
10-9-3: Approval Required
10-9-4: Exemptions From The Plat Requirements
10-9-5: Subdivision Pre-Application Meeting
10-9-6: Preliminary Plat Contents
10-9-7: Filing And Review Of Preliminary Plans And Subdivision Improvement Plans
10-9-8: Preliminary Plan Approval
10-9-9: Duration Of Preliminary Plan Approval
10-9-10: Filing And Review Of Final Plats
10-9-11: Final Plat Contents
10-9-12: Final Plat Approval And Recordation
10-9-13: Dedication, Acceptance And Maintenance Responsibility
10-9-14: Site Preparation And Building Permits Prohibited
10-9-15: General Standards
10-9-16: Lot Standards
10-9-17: Design Standards
10-9-18: Financial Responsibility
10-9-19: Compliance With Final Plat
10-9-20: Penalties
10-9-21: Fees
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the community by:
A. Managing efficient and orderly growth in Hatch Town;
B. Establishing requirements and procedures which encourage growth to preserve the high quality of community environment and protect property values; and
C. Providing policies, procedures, requirements and standards for the physical development of subdivisions of land, construction of buildings and improvements within Hatch Town, including, but not limited to, the construction and installation of roads, streets, curbs, gutters, drainage systems, water and sewer systems, dedication of land and streets, granting easements or rights of way and to establish fees and other charges for the authorizing of a subdivision. (Ord. 2021-05, 10-20-2021; amd. Ord. 2021-06, 11-17-2021; Ord. 2024-10, 10-16-2024)
A. Applicability: No person shall subdivide any parcel of land which is located wholly or in part in Hatch Town except in compliance with this Chapter.
B. Approval To Subdivide Required: The boundaries of any lot shall not be altered in any manner so as to create more lots than initially recorded, or any nonconforming lot, without first obtaining the approval of Hatch Town Council as provided in this Chapter.
C. Compliance Prior To Occupancy: There shall be no human occupancy of any building until the improvements have been accepted by Hatch Town and the building and lot fully comply with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2021-05, 10-20-2021; amd. Ord. 2021-06, 11-17-2021; Ord. 2024-10, 10-16-2024)