A.   The Village of Hatch, as the local marijuana business licensing authority, shall have the following powers and authority:
      1.   To issue, deny, or revoke a Village marijuana business license and renewals of the same, and where necessary, to conduct public hearings related thereto.
      2.   To impose any sanctions on a Village marijuana business license, including revocation, upon its own authority and initiation, or in response to a complaint by any person for any violation by the licensee after investigation and a public hearing, at which the licensee shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard. Such hearings will allow for the presentation of evidence by the applicant and Village staff and will be followed by the adoption of formal findings and conclusions.
      3.   To adopt application forms, fees, and submission requirements for a Village marijuana business license.
   B.   No person or corporate entity may operate a marijuana establishment within the Village without first obtaining a Village marijuana business license.
   C.   All licenses will be administered and approved by the Village provided that the applicant has met all conditions and requirements established herein, and paid the licensing fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
   D.   It is illegal to operate a marijuana establishment in the Village without first obtaining a local Village marijuana business license.
   E.   Upon issuance, the Village's marijuana business license shall be displayed within the premises and be visible to public view. (Ord. 415, 12-14-2021)