General Provisions   17.04
Administration   17.08
R-1 Single-Family Residential District   17.12
R-1-M Single-Family Residential, Mobile Homes Permitted District   17.16
R-2 Multi-Family Zoning District   17.20
R-2-M Mobile Home Park/Mobile Home Neighborhood District   17.24
R-O Large Lot Single-Family Residential District   17.28
R-O-M Large Lot Single-Family Residential District   17.32
C-1 Commercial Zoning District   17.36
M-1 Manufacturing Zone   17.40
Rural Agriculture District And Holding Zone   17.42
Legal Nonconforming Uses And Structures   17.44
Parking Requirements   17.48
Fence And Wall Requirements   17.52
Signs   17.56
Definitions   17.60