A.   A labor organization that has been certified by the board as representing the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit shall be the exclusive representative of all employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. The exclusive representative shall act for all employees in the bargaining unit and negotiate a collective bargaining agreement covering all employees in the bargaining unit. The exclusive representative shall represent the interests of all employees in the bargaining unit without discrimination or regard to membership or nonmembership in the labor organization.
   B.   The existence of an exclusive bargaining representative shall not prevent employees from taking their grievances through the grievance process or filing prohibited practices with the board based upon discrimination by the exclusive representative or the employer. The board will adjudicate disagreements over contract interpretations only when the disagreement is between the employer and the exclusive representative. Any settlement of a grievance or relief given on a prohibited practice brought by an individual shall not be inconsistent with or in violation of the collective bargaining agreement in effect between the employer and the exclusive representative or inconsistent with or in violation of good faith resolution made between the employer and the exclusive representative in the day to day administration of the collective bargaining agreement. (Ord. 279 § 12, 1996)