The following shall constitute the minimum information required within the ECP to be submitted as part of an application for building and/or subdivision construction to describe the erosion control measures (ECMs) proposed for the project. For all subdivisions, ECMs shall be outlined and approved as part of the overall review of the subdivision construction drawings through the engineering and planning departments.
   A.   Name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) of person(s) responsible for the preparation, submittal and implementation of the ECP, and for the dust generating operations generally.
   B.   A site plan or plat of survey of the site that describes:
      1.   The total area of land surface to be disturbed and the total area of the entire project site, in acres or square feet, depending on scale;
      2.   The operation(s) and activities to be carried out on the site;
      3.   All anticipated sources of fugitive dust emissions on the site;
      4.   Temporary drainage and/or ponding facilities to minimize soil erosion and localized flooding of adjacent properties from water utilized on site for development or for dust control;
      5.   Delivery, transport and storage areas for the site, including types of materials to be stored, and proposed maximum sizes of stockpiles for different types of materials.
   C.   A description of ECMs or combination thereof to be applied during all periods of dust generating operations to each of the fugitive dust sources described on the site plan or plat. For each source identified at least one control measure must be implemented. The same control measure(s) may be used for more than one dust generating activity. Specific details must include:
      1.   If dust suppressants are to be applied, then the type of suppressant, method, frequency, and intensity of application, the number and capacity of application equipment to be used, and any pertinent information on environmental impacts and/or certifications related to appropriate and safe use for ground applications;
      2.   The specific surface treatment(s) and/or other ECMs utilized to control material track-out and sedimentation where unpaved and/or access points join paved surfaces;
      3.   For each fugitive dust source at least one auxiliary ECM designated as a contingency measure shall be described in the original control plan. Should the original ECM in the control plan prove ineffective, immediate and effective implementation of the contingency measure shall obviate the requirement of submitting a revised control plan; and
      4.   ECMs to be implemented prior to any period of inactivity of ten (10) days or more, due to any reason other than extended rainfall.
   D.   A description of ECMs or combination thereof to be used to minimize the negative effects of water usage on site during the development activities. All approved measures should be continued until final paving, wall or fence construction and landscaping are in place.
   E.   The person responsible for implementing the objectives of the ECP shall keep accurate records and document all activities in carrying out the ECP. These records shall be made available upon request by the village of Hatch staff. (Ord. 352, 2009)