(A)   No person shall permit the disposal of trade waste by open burning, except that the open burning of trade waste may be permitted when it can be shown that open burning is necessary and in the public interest.
   (B)   Any person intending to initiate the open burning of trade waste shall file an application to do so with the Mayor. The application shall state the following:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the application;
      (2)   The type, purpose or activity involved;
      (3)   A description of the equipment and operating practices and of the type, quality and composition of the trade waste to be permitted;
      (4)   The schedule of burning operations;
      (5)   The exact location where open burning will be used to dispose of trade waste; and
      (6)   The reasons why no method other than burning can be used for the disposal of trade wastes.
   (C)   (1)   The Mayor shall have the authority to approve any application for the open burning of trade waste and shall do so in writing.
      (2)   His or her approval shall be on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer in the city.
(Prior Code, § 8.08.030) Penalty, see § 95.99