It shall be unlawful for any person residing within the incorporated limits of the City of Hart or elsewhere to dispose of, throw or place garbage, offal, dead animals or other refuse matter in any public street within the incorporated limits of the City of Hart, nor shall any person place any garbage, offal, dead animals or other refuse matter upon private property, whether owned by such person or not, unless in sanitary containers, vessels or tanks. Such containers, vessels or tanks shall be watertight and kept with tightly fitted covers, which shall not be removed except when absolutely necessary. Such containers, vessels or tanks shall be kept in the rear of the house or place of business or in the basement area or passageway so as to be readily accessible for collection, and never upon any public street or sidewalk. All such containers, vessels or tanks shall be promptly delivered to the collector when called for and shall be returned by such collector to said place or places without unnecessary delay. No person, except for such purpose, shall in any manner interfere with said containers, vessels or tanks, or the contents thereof. However, this section shall not apply to any person who immediately destroys by cremation satisfactory to the City Council such garbage, offal and refuse matter. It shall be unlawful for any person to place in said containers, vessels or tanks any ashes or soil.