Any person, firm or corporation desirous of exhibiting any circus, concert or other tent show of any kind shall first obtain a license signed by the City Clerk and shall pay to said Clerk the following amounts as a license fee and shall obtain said license before giving any exhibition:
   (a)   For a show, circus or concert with a seating capacity of 300 or under, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00);
   (b)   For a show, circus or concert having a seating capacity over 300 and less than 500, twenty-five dollars ($25.00);
   (c)   For a show, circus or concert having a seating capacity of over 500 and less than 1,000, fifty dollars ($50.00); and
   (d)   For all shows, circuses or concerts having a seating capacity of more than 1,000, seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for the first day and a like amount for each additional day.
(V. Ord. 68. Passed 4-22-25.)