(a)   The Planning Commission may require, in reviewing a plan, independent professional studies, including, but not limited to, traffic studies, soil borings, and/or floodplain determinations to evaluate the suitability of the plan.
   (b)   Prior to reaching a finding, the Commission shall conduct a development plan review hearing, subject to publication of notices and mailing of notice to all properties within 300 feet of the parcel to be developed, provided however, that in concurrent rezoning and plan approval, one hearing shall suffice. It shall be the responsibility of the Planning Commission to approve the development plan as submitted, to approve the plan subject to modification deemed necessary to protect public health, safety or welfare, or to disapprove the plan for cause. In the case of plans submitted in conjunction with rezoning, the recommendations for the Commission shall be forwarded to Council, and final plan approved shall be deemed effective upon rezoning approval by Council. In the case of properties already zoned PUD, a determination by the Planning Commission on a development plan shall be deemed final, and a report of the Commission's findings shall be submitted to Council in accordance with statutory requirements. The development plan, if granted as submitted or modified, shall become a part of the record of the Planning Commission and subsequent Council action.
(Ord. 168. Passed 10-9-90; Ord. 182. Passed 5-12-98; Ord. 184. Passed 5-25-99.)