(a)   ABANDONED SIGN. A sign associated with an abandoned use, a sign that remains after the termination of the business, or a sign on its immediate premises not adequately maintained and not repaired within the specified time as prescribed in Section 1163.13
   (b)   ANIMATED SIGN. Any sign that uses movement or change of artificial and natural lighting or noise to depict action or create a special effect or scene. Section 1163.05
   (c)   APPLICATION FEE. A fee payable to the City of Harrison through the Building and Zoning Department as may be required for specific applications and/or permits required under the Sign Ordinance. Section 1163.12
   (d)   ATM (AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES). An electronically operated device used to conduct financial transactions on-site, by means of direct computerized access. Such devices may be accessible by automobile and/or pedestrians. Section 1163.07(a)
   (e)   AWNING. Any structure made of cloth, fiberglass, metal or other material attached to a building and projecting into a yard or above a Public Right-of-Way. Section 1163.16
   (f)   BANNER. A non-rigid cloth, plastic, paper, canvas, or other non-rigid material sign typically related to a special event or promotion. Section 1163.10(d)
   (g)   BARBER POLE. A pole with spiral stripes positioned at a barbershop. Section 1163.07(b)
   (h)   BENCH SIGN. Any sign painted on, located on, or attached to any part of the surface of a bench, seat, or chair placed on or adjacent to a public roadway, sidewalk, bike path or other pedestrian pathway). Section 1163.05
   (i)   BILLBOARD. An off-premise sign directing attention to a specific business, product, service, entertainment or other activity sold, offered, or conducted off-site. Section 1163.05
   (j)   BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT. The City of Harrison’s official government department that is responsible for all matters related to building permits, site developments, zoning law enforcement, and has the authority to issue, enforce and rescind permits for Signs.
   (k)   BUS SHELTER SIGN. Any sign painted on or affixed to any bus or other public transportation shelter. Section 1163.05
   (l)   CANOPY. Any structure made of cloth, metal or other materials with framed structural support, other than an Awning, which is attached to a building and is projecting over a walkway, sidewalk, or any other pedestrian or vehicular pathway. Section 1163.09(b); 1163.16
   (m)   CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN. A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged by mechanical, electronic or manual means. Section 1163.05
   (n)   CHANNEL LETTERS. The outline of a letter, border, or similar object with a vertical side wall to confine the lighting on the face either to restrict vision at an angle or to prevent light spillage over adjacent areas.
   (o)   CITY SPONSORED EVENT. A special event or activity that is open to the general public and sponsored or supported by the City of Harrison, Ohio.  Section 1163.06
   (p)   CONSTRUCTION TRAILER SIGNS. Signs painted on or affixed to construction trailers, vans, or other vehicles temporarily in use on a construction site where the purpose is to identify the construction company and the location of the site for delivery vehicles. Section 1163.07(c)
   (q)   DEVELOPMENT SIGN. A sign indicating such things as the names of future business tenants, names of the architects, engineers, landscape architects, contractors, or similar artisans, owners, financial supporters, sponsors and similar individuals or firms, having a role or interest with respect to the development, structure, or project. Section 1163.07(d)
   (r)   DIRECTIONAL SIGN. A temporary or permanent sign without advertising that indicates points of entry or exit locations, off-street parking areas, instructions for use, or other functional or directional information. Section 1163.07(e)
   (s)   DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (DRD). That specific area within the City of Harrison that is within the defined boundaries as established by the City of Harrison Comprehensive Zoning Code. Section 1163.10(b); 1163.11(f)
   (t)   DRIVE-THRU MENU BOARDS. An on-premise sign used by restaurants to communicate their menu to patrons using the facility’s drive-thru window. Section 1163.11(g)
   (u)   ELECTRONIC MESSAGE DISPLAY SIGN. A sign capable of displaying words, symbols, figures or images that can be electronically changed by remote or automatic means, including graphics, excluding videos. This definition includes light emitting diode (LED) screens. Section 1163.05(f)
   (v)   ENTRY FEATURE SIGN. A ground-mounted on-premise sign that identifies an entrance to a residential subdivision and/or multi-family development. Section 1163.11(d)
   (w)   ESTABLISHED GRADE LINE. The average finished grade for that area of the site where the sign is to be located, provided however that the height of the sign shall not be artificially increased by the use of mounding earth or raising by means of a structure or foundation. All references to sign height are from the established grade line unless otherwise noted. Section 1163.16
   (x)   EXTENSION. A wall or other structure which is connected to and extended from a building.
   (y)   FLAG. Any fabric or bunting containing the officially recognized and adopted colors, patterns, or symbols used as the official symbol of a political, government, corporate, club, school, or religious entity. Section 1163.07(f)
   (z)   FLAG POLE. A structure which has the express purpose of supporting a flag or flags. Section 1163.07(f)
   (aa)   FLASHING SIGN. Any directly or indirectly illuminated sign that exhibits changing natural or artificial light or color effects by any means whatsoever. Section 1163.05
   (bb)   FOUNDATION PERMIT. A specific permit, issued by the Building and Zoning Department, granting permission to build per the approved foundation construction plans.
   (cc)   FREE-STANDING SIGN.  A sign that is located on the ground but is not permanently or temporarily mounted to the ground and could therefore be moved.
   (dd)   GARAGE/YARD SALE SIGNS. Signs used for the purpose of identifying a location where a resident is hosting a sale of personal items for a specific period of time at a residential address. Section 1163.13; 1163.07(g)
   (ee)   GOVERNMENTAL SIGN. Any devise erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental functions or required by law, ordinance, or other governmental regulations. Section 1163.07(h)
   (ff)   GROUND SIGN. Any sign which is physically attached to the ground by use of a foundation structure. Also known as a Monument Sign. Section 1163.09(a)
   (gg)   HOLIDAY SIGNS. Signs clearly in the nature of decorations that are customarily associated with any national, state, local, or religious holiday. Section 1163.07(i)
   (hh)   ILLUMINATED SIGN. Any sign lighted by or exposed with artificial lighting either by light within the sign or directed toward the sign for the purpose of illuminating the sign’s message. Section 1163.08(c)
   (ii)   INFLATABLE SIGN. Any sign or device which is capable of being expanded by any gas or forced-air means used on a permanent or temporary basis to attract attention to a product or event. This definition also includes hot-air, cold-air, or forced air balloons tethered from, or otherwise anchored to, any structure or the ground. Section 1163.11(h)
   (jj)   INFORMATION SIGN. A sign displaying information necessary for the convenience and safety of residents or visitors, and containing no advertising. Section 1163.07(j)
   (kk)   JOINT IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A ground sign that identifies the name, through type, graphics or other symbols, of a shopping center, office park, industrial park, or other building complex containing three or more uses on the same lot, allowed in addition to the permitted signs of the individual occupants. Section 1163.11(e)
   (ll)   MODEL HOME SIGN. A sign used to identify a particular structure within a development, being used for the express purpose of demonstrating a builder’s capabilities, while marketing and/or selling within that development. Section 1163.07(k)
   (mm)   NON-CONFORMING SIGN. A pre-existing legal sign which does not conform to the standards set forth in this Chapter. Section 1163.11(b)
   (nn)   OPEN HOUSE SIGN. A temporary sign used to communicate a public showing of a structure available for sale, rent, or lease. Section 1163.07(l)
   (oo)   OFF-PREMISE SIGN. Those signs legally located on property other than where the Special Event or City Sponsored event is to take place. Such signs usually promote an event scheduled to take place at a specific location other than where the Off-Premise Sign is located. Section 1163.05
   (pp)   ON-PREMISE SIGN. A sign located on the property on which a Special Event or City Sponsored Event is to take place. Section 1163.10(a); 1163.10(b)
   (qq)   OPEN HOUSE SIGN.  A sign promoting an open house event for property that is available for sale, rent, or lease. Section 1163.07(l)
   (rr)   PERMANENT SIGN.  Any permitted or legal Non-Conforming Sign intended to remain in place until a change of occupancy occurs. Section 1163.09
   (ss)   PERMIT FEE. A fee collected by the City of Harrison’s Building and Zoning Department as part of obtaining a specific permit for certain types of Signs or certain work related to signage.
   (tt)   POLE SIGN. A sign supported by one or more poles placed into the ground for the express purpose of holding up a Sign or Signs.
   (uu)   POLITICAL SIGN. Those signs with the express message related to a candidate running for public office or an issue on a forthcoming election ballot. Section 1163.07(m)
   (vv)   PORTABLE SIGN. Any sign that is designed to be, or capable of being moved, or transported, and is not permanently affixed or attached to any building, structure, or ground. Any sign which is part of a vehicle (operable or inoperable), or trailers of any type, intentionally parked as to be a display for any period of time, is considered to be a Portable Sign as is referred to as a Portable Wheeled Sign. Section 1163.05
   (ww)   PORTABLE WHEELED SIGN. Any sign which is part of a vehicle (operable or inoperable), or trailers of any type, intentionally parked as to be a display for any period of time, is referred to as a Portable Wheeled Sign, and is also considered to be a Portable Sign for purpose of the Sign Ordinance. Section 1163.05
   (xx)   PRIMARY IMAGE. The name of the institution or business identified on a sign. The primary image must be displayed in text.
   (yy)   PROJECTED IMAGE. An image projected onto a building, structure, or sign. Section 1163.05
   (zz)   PROJECTING SIGN. A sign that is wholly or partly dependent upon a building for support, or suspended from a pole attached to a building. Such signs must be perpendicular to the building face upon which they are attached. Section 1163.16
   (aaa)   PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING SIGN. A temporary sign or banner to that is meant to attract attention for a business product or event. Section 1163.08
   (bbb)   PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGNS. Public Information Signs established by the city, including "Block Watch," "Tree City, USA," and other such signs, provided that they do not exceed three square feet in area. Such signs shall be consolidated with other Governmental Signs whenever possible. If the sign is located in the public Right-Of-Way, it must be approved by the City of Harrison Engineer.
   (ccc)   PUBLIC BANNERS. Banners established by the City of Harrison to promote the community and city-sponsored events, and located on light posts in the public Right-Of-Way, provided that such Public Banners are restricted to eight square feet in area. Section 1163.07(n)
   (ddd)   RACEWAY. An elongated physical enclosure used to mount individual Channel Letters or lettering, used to conceal related transformers and or wiring.
   (eee)   REAL ESTATE SIGN. A sign pertaining to the sale or lease of the lot or tract of land on which the sign is located, or the sale or lease of one or more structures or a portion thereof located on such lot or tract of land. Section 1163.07(o)
   (fff)   REFACING. Any alteration to the face of a sign involving the replacement of materials or parts. Refacing does not refer to replacing the entire sign structure or the removal of the sign.
   (ggg)   RIGHT-OF-WAY. A strip of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, shade trees, or other special use.
   (hhh)   ROOF LINE. The vertical from the average elevation of the proposed finished grade at the front of the building, to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, or the deck line of a mansard roof, or to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
   (iii)   ROOF SIGN. Any sign erected on or above the roof line of a building. Section 1163.05
   (jjj)   SANDWICH BOARD SIGN. A sign with two hinged boards which can be placed on the ground.
   (kkk)   SCOREBOARD. A changeable copy sign that records and displays the score of a sporting event. May be a permanent or portable structure. Section 1163.07(p)
   (lll)   SEASONAL BUSINESS. A business that is only open for operations for a temporary time period during a year. Section 1163.10(e)
   (mmm) SECONDARY IMAGE. Any and all text, graphics, Logos, or images displayed on a sign in addition to the name of the institution or business, including but not limited to pictorial representations, tag lines, products and phone numbers.
   (nnn)   SETBACK. The distance from the property line and/or right-of-way line to the nearest part of the applicable building, structure, or sign, measured perpendicularly to the property line and/or right-of-way line where the two points are at their closest distance of measurement.
   (ooo)   SIDE AND REAR ENTRANCE SIGNS. Signs located on secondary street frontage or secondary entrances to parking areas. Section 1163.16
   (ppp)   SIGN. A sign is defined as any name, number, symbol, identification, description, display, illumination, object, graphic, sign structure, or part thereof, whether permanent or temporary, which is affixed to, painted on, represented directly or indirectly upon, or projected onto a building, structure, lot, or other device, whether mobile or affixed to the ground, and which directs attention to any object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization, information, message, or business. This definition includes all signs visible from any public Right-Of-Way or adjacent property as well as back-lighted translucent panels or strip lighting affixed to a wall, roof, awning or other overhanging structure, where any such panels or lighting serves to identify and attract attention rather than illuminate space for human activity.
   (qqq)   SIGN FACE. The surface intended for the display of information on the sign.
   (rrr)   SIGN PERMIT. A document providing legal permission from the Building and Zoning Department to install, repair, or replace a sign.
   (sss)   SIGN STRUCTURE. The supporting unit of a sign face, including but not limited to frames, braces and poles.
   (ttt)   SPECIAL EVENT. An activity that is open to the general public and organized or sponsored by a public, private, non-profit, or religious organization that is educational, cultural, or recreational in function. Charitable events sponsored by for-profit organizations are also considered Special Events. Special Events are not organized or sponsored by the City of Harrison, Ohio.
   (uuu)   STREAMER. A ribbon-shaped or cord-like rope which may have flags and/or banners attached to it, and which is suspended from, or stretched or hung between two or more supports. Section 1163.05
   (vvv)   STREET ADDRESS SIGN.   A sign bearing only the street address of the properties on which they are located. Section 1163.07(q)
   (www) TEMPORARY SIGN. Those Signs that are used for a period not to exceed 30 days and are not built for, nor intended to be for, permanent use. Section 1163.07(r)
   (xxx)   TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN. Those signs with the express intent of controlling pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow in accordance with government laws and regulations. Traffic Control Signs are usually posted by government authorities. Section 1163.07(s)
   (yyy)   TREE LAWN. That portion of a public right-of-way between the back face of the curb and the leading edge of the sidewalk on a property even if the sidewalk has not yet been built but is recorded on the Site Plans.
   (zzz)   VIDEO ELECTRONIC MESSAGE DISPLAY SIGN. A sign capable of displaying words, symbols, figures or images that can be electronically changed by remote or automatic means, including graphics and videos excluding light emitting diode (LED) screens. Section 1163.05
   (aaaa) WALL SIGN. Any sign attached to or erected against the inside or outside wall of a building or structure, with the exposed display surface of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of the building or structure, and extending less than 14 inches from the building or structure. Section 1163.09(b)
   (bbbb)   WINDOW SIGN. Any signs, posters, symbols and other types of identification or information about the use of the premises, directly attached to the window of a building or erected on the inside of the building and visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent property. Section 1163.09(c)
   (cccc)   WIRE SIGNS. Any portable sign that is affixed to thin gauge metal supports and installed by manual means. Section 1163.05
(Ord. 51-08. Passed 11-4-08.)