A.   Purpose
The purpose of the M-2 General Industrial District is to encourage the development of major industries and other uses that can be operated in such a manner as to conform with the applicable performance standards of this District. These uses perform essential and necessary functions and are provided for in areas that are best suited for such industrial development by reason of location, and the availability of adequate utility and transportation systems. Accordingly, an M-2 District is isolated from residential neighborhoods.
   B.   Permitted Uses
Within the M-2 District, a building or premises may be erected or used only for the following purposes:
      1.   All uses permitted in Section 1143.07 B.
      2.   Adult entertainment business. Because of the recognized secondary impacts of adult uses, this use shall meet the following requirements:
         a)   No adult bookstores, adult cabaret, or adult motion picture theater shall be placed within 1,000 feet of a school, child day care center, church, public building, establishments that sell alcoholic beverages, group homes, nursing homes, and any R (Residentially Zoned) Districts.
         b)   No adult entertainment business may place any item on display that has any content or reference to specified sexual activities or specified sexual anatomical areas that can be seen from any public right-of-way.
      3.   Foundry casting lightweight nonferrous metal or electric foundry not causing noxious fumes and odors.
      4.   Manufacturing and processing: Provided that these establishments comply with the performance standards in Chapter 1147 (Supplementary District Regulations)
         a)   Automobile assembly, food processing and packaging, breweries and liquor distilleries, forge and foundry work, warehousing.
         b)   Trucking terminals and freight stations.
   C.   Conditional Uses
      1.   All uses conditionally permitted in Section 1143.07 C.
      2.   Refuse disposal sites: such uses shall meet the following additional criteria:
         a)   Refuse disposal sites are established in accordance with guidelines from the Federal and State Environmental Protection Agencies and shall be subject to additional protective measures as deemed necessary by the City.
         b)   Prior to granting a conditional use permit, the applicant shall provide the City with documentation evidencing the approval of the appropriate state an/or federal regulatory agencies and the necessary permits and licenses for such operations.
c)   In no event shall the disposal, handling or storage of radioactive, toxic, or hazardous materials be permitted on the premises unless reviewed and approved by the City Fire Department or hazardous materials officials.
      3.   Extraction of sand and gravel, top soil and other natural resources. Such uses shall meet the following additional criteria:
         a)   Any extraction operation that is intended to, or will, result in the creation of a body of water shall be effectively fenced along the property lines and provided with a locking gate. Such height shall be of a non-climbable design installed and maintained at a height of six feet (6').
         b)   No excavation shall be permitted nearer than fifty feet (50') to any property line.
         c)   Any processing or storage of materials shall be conducted within an enclosed structure and/or effectively screened from view.
         d)   Prior to granting a permit, the applicant shall provide the City with documentation evidencing the approval of the appropriate State and/or Federal regulatory agencies and the necessary permits and licenses for such operations.
      4.   Smelting of ferrous or nonferrous ores.
      5.   Steel manufacturing.
      6.   Storage, drying, and cleaning of iron, junk, rags, glass, cloth, paper or clippings, including refining, baling, wool pulling, and scouring.
            7.    Licensed medical marijuana cultivation, processing, testing and retail dispensary operated in accordance with State law.
         a)   The total number of cultivation, processing, testing and retail facilities permitted in this zone shall be limited as follows:
            1.    Cultivation: _______
            2.    Processing: _______
            3.    Testing: __________
            4.    Retail: ___________
         b)   Notwithstanding any provision of the Harrison Codified Ordinances to the contrary, no cultivation, processing, testing or retail facility shall be located within 1000 feet of a parcel of real estate having situated on it a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park.
      8.   Any other use not specified herein which conforms with the intent and purpose of this chapter subject to approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   D.   Development Standards
   Refer to Section 1143.11 for development standards pertaining to this District.
(Ord. 15-19. Passed 8-6-19.)