A.   Purpose
The purpose of the M-l Restricted Industrial District is to provide for industrial uses having a minimum impact upon the surrounding environment in areas which are suitable for restricted or light manufacturing operations by reason of their location and the availability of adequate utility and transportation systems. Industrial uses that can be operated in a clean and quiet manner, subject only to those regulations and performance standards necessary to prohibit congestion and for the protection of adjacent residential and business activities are permitted. This district is further designed to act as a transitional area between heavy industrial uses and other less intense business and residential uses.
   B.   Permitted Uses
Within the M-1 Restricted Industrial District, a building or premises may be erected or used only for the following purposes:
      1.   Laundries, dry cleaning, and dyeing plants.
      2.   Moving and storage companies.
      3.   Compounding, processing, and packaging of meat, dairy and food products, exclusive of slaughtering.
      4.   Machinery and heavy equipment rental, sales, and storage.
      5.   Manufacturing or assembling, or repairing of electrical and electronic products, components, and equipment.
      6.   Public utilities, not otherwise exempt pursuant to Chapter 4906 or Section 4905.65 of the Ohio Revised Code, as follows:
         a)   Electric substations, equipment buildings, transmission lines, and towers.
         b)   Telephone substations, distribution centers, and transmission equipment and buildings.
         c)   Gas regulator and meter stations.
         d)   Water filtration plants and pumping stations.
         e)   Sanitary sewage treatment plants and pumping stations.
      7.   Commercial radio and television transmitting stations and antenna towers.
      8.   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection B.9. was repealed by Ordinance 64- 09.)
      9.   Sign painting and manufacturing.
      10.   Research and engineering laboratories, and testing facilities.
      11.   Printing, publishing, binding, and typesetting plants.
      12.   Offices and service centers.
      13.   The following uses provided no part of a building occupied by such uses shall have any opening other than stationary windows or required fire exits within two hundred feet (200') of any R District.
         a)   Welding shops, machine shops, cooperage works, and other metal working shops.
         b)   Ice manufacturing and cold storage plant, creamery, and bottling plant.
      14.   Monument works having a retail outlet on the premises.
      15.   Printing, publishing, sheet metal shops, sign painting shops, and other commercial advertising.
      16.   Wholesale establishments, warehouses, and storage facilities (including mini-storage facilities).
      17.   Other manufacturing, processing, assembling or compounding operations possessing characteristics similar to those industrial uses listed in this section, which can be operated in compliance with the performance standards of this section.
      18.   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
   C.   Conditional Uses
      1.   Automobile/truck service stations and car/truck washing facilities.
      2.   Airport, landing field, or heliport.
      3.   Restaurants with or without drive-in or drive-through facilities.
      4.   Building materials sales yard, lumber yards including mill work, storage and sale of grain and livestock feed, or fuel including storage of vehicles provided such uses are conducted either:
         a)   Within a completely enclosed building or buildings. Except for storage of vehicles, each building shall be at least one hundred feet (100') from any R District, unless such building has no openings other than stationary windows and required fire exits within such distance, but in any case not within fifty feet (50') of any R District.
         b)   Within an area completely enclosed on all sides with a solid wall or uniformly painted solid board fence not less than six feet (6') high, but not within two hundred feet (200') of any R District; provided further that all storage yards related to the uses in this subsection shall be enclosed.
         c)   Storage yards related to this use shall be enclosed with fencing (Refer to Section 1147.16).
      5.   Warehousing (wholesale and retail) storage and distribution.
      6.   Self-service mini-storage facilities.
      7.   Recycling centers.
      8.   Machinery and heavy equipment rental and sales.
      9.   The following uses when conducted no closer than three hundred feet (300') from any R District and shall be enclosed on all sides with a minimum six foot (6') fence.
         a)   Flammable liquids. Bulk station underground storage only.
         b)   Contractor’s and equipment storage yards. Building materials sales yards including concrete mixing, lumber yards including millwork, and open yards for storage and sale of feed.
      10.   Any other use determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals to be similar to those uses listed above.
      11.    Animal hospitals, veterinary clinics, kennels. Exercise runs shall be enclosed on four (4) sides by unpierced fence or wall at least five feet (5') in height.
      12.    Nursing homes, elderly assisted living, elderly retirement housing and specialized public assistant and treatment centers and congregate living facilities.
      13.    Churches and other place of public religious worship.
      14.    Group homes of eight or less residents, not including an on-site resident manager, that are located within a residential-type structure and shall require recommendation by Planning Commission and approval by Council.
   D.   Required Conditions
      1.   Enclosed Buildings: All businesses, services, or processing under Section 1143.07 B. shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, except for the sale of automobile fuel, lubricants, and fluids at service stations, loading and unloading operations, parking, the outdoor display or storage of vehicles, materials, and equipment and the uses specified in Section 1143.07 C.
      2.   Night Operation: No building customarily used for night operation shall have any openings other than stationary windows or required fire exits within two hundred feet (200') of any R Districts; any space used for loading and unloading commercial vehicles in connection with such an operation shall not be located within two hundred feet (200') of any R District.
      3.   Parking of trucks and loading docks shall be located at the rear of the building.
   E.   Development Standards
Refer to Section 1143.11 for development standards pertaining to this District.
   (Ord. 16-21. Passed 11-3-21.)