Sec. 2.1. Corporate Boundaries.
   The corporate boundaries of the town of Harrisburg shall be those existing at the time of ratification of this Charter as set forth on the official map of the Town and as they may be altered from time to time in accordance with law. An official map of the Town, showing the current municipal boundaries, shall be maintained permanently in the Planning Department and shall be available for public inspection. Upon alteration of the corporate limits pursuant to the law, the appropriate changes to the official map shall be made and copies shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds and the Cabarrus County Board of Elections.
(Am. Ord., passed 7-13-15)
Sec. 2.2. Extension of Corporate Boundaries.
   All extensions of the corporate boundaries shall be governed by the General Statutes of North Carolina and any applicable local legislation.
(Am. Ord., passed 7-13-15)
Sec. 3.1 Town Governing Body.
   The Town Council, hereinafter referred to as the 'Council', and the Mayor shall be the governing body of the Town.
(Am. Ord., passed 7-13-15)
Sec. 3.2. Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore.
   The Mayor shall be elected by and from qualified voters of the Town voting at large and he shall hold office for four (4) years, with the election dates for Mayor to be staggered with those of members of the Town Council as specified in Sec. 3.4. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, the Town Council shall by appointment fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. The Mayor shall be the official head of the Town government and shall preside at all meetings of the Town Council. When there is an equal division upon any question, or in the appointment of officers, by the Council, the Mayor shall determine the matter by his vote, and shall vote in no other case. The Mayor shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as are or may be conferred upon him by the general laws of North Carolina, by this Charter, and by the ordinances of the Town. The Town Council shall choose one of its number to act as Mayor Pro Tempore, and he shall perform the duties of the Mayor in the Mayor's absence or disability. The Mayor Pro Tempore as such shall have no fixed term of office, but shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the remaining members of the Council.
(Res., passed 3-12-01)
Sec. 3.3. Composition and Terms of Office of Town Council.
   The Town Council shall consist of seven (7) members to be elected by and from the qualified votes of the Town voting at large in the manner provided by Article IV, for staggered terms of four years or until their successors are elected and qualified.
(Am. Ord., passed 7-13-15)