(A) Connection applications.
(1) All applications for service installations and for water service shall be made to the City Clerk. All applications for service installations and water service shall be made by the owner or agent of the property to be served and shall state the size and location of service connection required. The applicant shall, at the time of making application, pay to the city the amount of fees as established by the Council or deposit required for the installation of the service connection as hereinafter provided. Applications for services larger than one inch shall be accompanied by two sets of plans or sketches indicating preferred location of service pipe and size of service based on building demand.
(2) The size of the water service connections and meter shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer.
(3) Water billing shall start at the time of installation of the water meter, or in the event the meter is not installed, seven days after completion of outside piping, and shall be calculated upon the minimum, quarterly rate, prorated on a semi-monthly basis.
(B) Connection charges.
(1) A permit must be obtained to connect to the existing water service leads at the curb stop box. The fee for the permit shall be set pursuant to § 51.51. The city shall install or have installed all service connections from the water main to the curb stop box including the stop box. Payment for service connections must be made before the work is started and should be based upon 12 times the estimate of costs provided by the City Engineer. Any excess deposit shall be returned to the applicant.
(2) Additional charges shall be paid at the time of making application for tapping and making connections with the water main to where a curb stop box and service lead is not previously installed. The charge shall include the tapping of the water main, corporation costs, the installation of a service line, the installation of a curb stop box, cost of restoring disturbed areas and all other costs related to the installation.
(3) There shall be a connection charge pursuant to § 51.51 levied by the city to contribute to the payment of the costs of the public water system facilities. The City Council shall set by resolution the charges to be made for non-residential installations.
(4) When water services have been stopped because of a violation of this chapter, the city shall collect the fee established pursuant to § 51.51 before service is recommenced.
(5) If a person desires to connect to the system and service a parcel that has not been assessed for the cost of water main and lateral construction, then before a permit is granted, the city shall collect an amount from the applicant that is established pursuant to § 51.51.
(Am. Ord. 2014-06, passed 11-10-2014)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Curb stop boxes will be installed on the right-of-way line or easement limits at a location as determined by the City Engineer to be best suitable to the property and shall be left in a vertical position when backfilling is completed. Curb stop boxes will be installed at an approximate depth of 7.5 feet below the finished ground elevation and the top of the curb stop box shall be adjusted to be flush with the finished ground elevation. Curb stop boxes must be firmly supported by a masonry block. No person shall erect any fence or plant any tree or other landscaping that would obstruct, or place a structure on, park a motor vehicle on, or otherwise obstruct the use of the curb stop box, or cause damage to the same.
(Am. Ord. 2014-06, passed 11-10-2014)
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Generally. Except for extinguishment of fires, no person, unless otherwise authorized by the City Council or Public Utilities Department, shall use water from the water system or permit water to be drawn therefrom unless the same be metered by passing through a meter supplied or approved by the city. No person not authorized by the City Council or Utilities Superintendent shall connect, disconnect, take apart, or in any manner change or cause to be changed or interfere with any meter or the action thereof, or break any meter or valve seal.
(1) A charge established pursuant to § 51.51 shall be paid by customers to the city for water meters including installations and check valves and payment for same shall be made at the time of water service application. This payment shall be made only once, subject to the following.
(2) Where a consumer has need for a larger line in addition to his or her domestic line, as in the case of a commercial consumer who needs a one-inch line for normal use and a six-inch or larger line for a fire sprinkler system, he or she will be permitted to run one line into the premises and "Y" off into two lines at the building. When this is done, the meter will be attached to the small or domestic line and a check valve as well as one-inch detection meter shall be put on the large line.
(3) The city shall maintain and repair all meters when rendered unserviceable through ordinary wear and tear and shall replace them if necessary. When replacement, repair, or adjustment of any meter is rendered by the act, neglect (including damage from freezing or hot water backup) or carelessness of the owner or occupant of the premises, any expense caused the city thereby shall be charged against and collected from the water consumer.
(4) A consumer may, by written request, have his or her meter tested by depositing the amount established pursuant to § 51.51. In case a test should show an error of over 5% of the water consumed, a correctly registering meter will be installed, and the bill will be adjusted accordingly and the testing deposit refunded. This adjustment shall not extend back more than one billing period from the date of the written request.
(5) All water meters and remote readers shall be and remain the property of the city.
(6) Authorized city employees shall have free access at reasonable hours of the day to all parts of every building and premises connected with the water system for reading of meters and inspections.
(7) It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to notify the city to request a final reading at the time of the customer's billing change.
(B) Water meter setting. All water meters hereafter installed shall be in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code and any standards established by resolution of the City Council.
(Am. Ord. 2014-06, passed 11-10-2014) Penalty, see § 10.99
(Am. Ord. 2014-06, passed 11-10-2014)
All bills and notices shall be mailed or delivered to the address where service is provided. If non-resident owners or agents desire personal notice sent to a different address, they shall submit a request, in writing, to the City Treasurer. Any change or error in address shall be promptly reported to the City Treasurer.
(Am. Ord. 2014-06, passed 11-10-2014)