A. Except as provided herein, an earth moving, excavation, or disturbance permit shall be obtained from the City whenever the surface or contours of any property in excess of one acre are proposed to be altered, including the following:
1. Changing any of the physical contours through grading, or by creating a drainage system to alter the existing direction or capacity of stormwater runoff;
2. Excavation, including, but not limited to, borrow pit, quarry, mining, or soil or rock removal;
3. Any landfill or surface build up of a parcel, or portion of a parcel, that will exceed one acre;
4. Any proposed removal of tree cover or vegetation that is determined by the City to have a potential impact on the subject or surrounding properties in terms of soil erosion, increase in stormwater runoff, or natural sight proof screening;
5. When grades are proposed to be altered to affect the relationship of the existing property with an adjacent street or road;
6. Grading of a proposed subdivision or development site in excess of one acre prior to submittal and City approval of either a preliminary plat or a plan for grading and drainage where there is no platting requirement;
7. Normal cultivation of existing agricultural fields in preparation for planting of crops shall not be subject to this requirement.
8. All criteria in section 12-433, "Erosion And Sedimentation Control Measures For Public And Private Improvements", of this part shall be met by the applicant. (Ord. 2003-6, 9-4-2003)