A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide guidance in the design of effective management of erosion and sedimentation and to protect water quality and the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city.
   B.   General Requirements:
      1.   These regulations shall be applied to all subdivision improvements and to all building construction projects within the city limits.
      2.   Development activity shall not be conducted unless appropriate erosion and sedimentation facilities are designed, installed, and maintained throughout the life of the development.
      3.   All sediment control measures shall be indicated on the final construction or building permit plans. They shall be approved and enforced as a part of the city approval and enforcement process for the plans.
      4.   All new or existing earth slopes and earth areas subject to erosion, such as areas adjacent to trickle channels, inlet structures, and outlet structures, within any area designated for detention or drainage shall be slab sodded with Bermuda sod or have permanent established growth of vegetation. All vegetation areas shall be fertilized, watered, and in an established growing condition prior to completion or acceptance of any storm water drainage facility or development.
   C.   Design Considerations:
      1.   Combination Of Design Principles: Practical combinations of the following principles shall be utilized, as a minimum, in planning measures to be installed for any land disturbing activity:
         a.   The land disturbing activity shall conform to existing topography and soil type so as to create the lowest possible erosion potential.
         b.   The disturbed area and the duration of exposure of bare earth to erosive elements shall be kept to a minimum through construction scheduling and management.
         c.   Cut and fill operations should be kept to a minimum.
         d.   Disturbed soil shall be stabilized as quickly as possible.
         e.   Vegetative practices shall be applied as permanent erosion controls wherever possible.
         f.   Natural vegetation shall be retained, protected, and supplemented whenever feasible.
      2.   General Practice:
         a.   Soil and water conservation measures include, but are not necessarily restricted to, vegetation, sediment basins, dikes, grade stabilization structures, sediment traps, land grading, diversions, waterways or outlets, and riprap.
         b.   Temporary vegetation or mulching shall be employed to protect exposed critical areas during development.
         c.   Required permanent vegetation and structural erosion control measures shall be installed prior to final acceptance of municipal improvements or issuance of a certificate of occupancy on a private construction project. (Prior Code, Chapter 16, as amended)
   D.   Erosion And Sediment Control Criteria:
      1.   Long-Term Controls: Long-term permanent seeding, sprigging, or planting which produces vegetative cover, including Bermuda grass, Kentucky 31 tall fescue, and weeping lovegrass, or a similar grass approved by the city engineer, shall be used for permanent control of erosion.
      2.   Short-Term Controls:
         a.   Short-term seeding producing temporary vegetative cover such as small grains like rye, oats, wheat, or sundams and sorghum, shall be used to control immediate erosion. This practice shall be considered effective for areas where soil is left exposed for a period of six (6) to twelve (12) months and shall not be considered appropriate as permanent erosion control.
         b.   Straw bale dike may be utilized where no other practice is feasible, as a temporary barrier with a life expectancy of three (3) months or less. It should be installed across or at the toe of a slope for the contributing drainage areas, in accordance with the adopted standards.
         c.   Erosion matting shall be used for permanent channel embankment and slope stabilization where a permanent erosion control cover has not been established prior to use. The specified material shall be installed as recommended by its manufacturer and approved by the city engineer.
      3.   Required Structures: A stabilized construction entrance shall be built in accordance with the adopted standards to eliminate the tracking or flowing of sediment onto public right of way, adjacent public or private property, and into any waterway or body of water. (Ord. 1996-10, 6-20-1996)