(A)   Off-street parking requirements. There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any building, or at the time any principal building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guests rooms, seats, or floor area; or before conversion from one type of use or occupancy to another, permanent off-street parking space in the amount specified by this section, together with adequate driveway and maneuvering space. Such parking space may be provided in a parking garage or properly graded open space.
      (1)   Certification of minimum parking requirements. Each application for a land use and zoning permit to the Administrator as provided for in this chapter shall include information as to the location and dimensions of off-street parking and loading space and the means of ingress and egress to such space. This information shall be of sufficient detail to enable the Administrator to determine whether or not the requirements of this section are met.
      (2)   Combination of required parking spaces. The required parking space for any number of separate uses may be combined in one lot, but the required space assigned to one use may not be assigned to another use, except that one-half of the parking space required for churches, theaters, or assembly halls whose peak attendance will be at night or on Saturdays and Sundays may be assigned to a use which will be closed at night and on Sundays. In cases where shared parking is permitted, adequate pedestrian access shall be provided to all uses.
      (3)   Remote parking spaces. If the off-street parking space required by this chapter cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located, such space may be provided on any land within reasonable walking distance of the main entrance to such principal use, provided such land is in the same ownership as the principal use.
      (4)   Lighting. Access ways, walkways, and parking areas shall be lighted adequately by lighting fixtures which shall be so installed as to protect the street and neighboring properties from direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind and in compliance with § 153.156.
      (5)   Safety barriers. Curbs, walls, fences, wheel stops, or similar devices shall be located within spaces along the perimeter of parking lots, garages, and storage areas, except at entrances and exits indicated on approved parking plans. Such barriers shall be so designed and located as to prevent parked vehicles from extending beyond property lines of parking lots and garages and to protect public right(s)-of-way and adjoining properties from damaging effects of surface drainage. Such barriers shall be approved for the same use. In cases where a sidewalk is used as the safety barrier, the width of the raised sidewalk shall be increased by 18 inches.
      (6)   Parking areas adjacent to public alleys. Where off-street parking facilities are located adjacent to a public alley, the width of such alley may be counted as a portion of the required maneuvering and access area, but not as part of the parking spaces required.
      (7)   Improvements, design, and location standards. All off-street parking, including exits, entrances, and maneuvering and parking areas shall:
         (a)   Have access to a publicly dedicated street or alley;
         (b)   Be designed so that vehicles cannot overhang property lines, public right(s)-of-way, or public sidewalks, or tend to bump against or damage any wall, vegetation, or other obstruction;
         (c)   Be permanently maintained by the owner(s);
         (d)   Be set back from the existing or future public right(s)-of-way, private right(s)-of-way, and property zoned residentially a minimum of ten feet;
         (e)   Drive aisle, lane width, and parking stall dimensions:
            1.   Drive aisle and lane width dimensions.
Minimum Access Drives Aisles and Lane Width
Parking angle
0 degrees
30 degrees
45 degrees
60 degrees
90 degrees
One-way traffic
14 ft.
14 ft.
14 ft.
18 ft.
24 ft.
Two-way traffic
20 ft.
20 ft.
21 ft.
23 ft.
24 ft.
            2.   Parking stall dimensions. Minimum dimensions for parking stall is 18 feet in length by nine feet in width. Handicapped parking stalls shall meet the requirements of ANSI 117.
         (f)   Parking areas for shopping centers, or for community or regional site plans, shall provide designated crosswalks for pedestrian access and internal sidewalks within parking medians, as appropriate, to ensure connection between parking areas and the facility for which the parking is provided.
      (8)   Parking surface areas.
         (a)   All parking surface areas that contain one of the following scenarios shall be graded and surfaced with asphalt and/or concrete, unless stated otherwise within this chapter. In designated watershed areas, alternative pervious or porous materials may be utilized, as approved by the Administrator:
            1.   Access drives with lanes for drive-in windows;
            2.   Fifteen or more parking spaces; or
            3.   That are used at least five days per week.
         (b)   Parking surface areas not permanently surfaced shall be graded and surfaced with crushed stone, gravel, or other suitable material with a minimum of six inches and shall be maintained in a dust-free condition.
         (c)   Parking area shall be properly maintained in good condition (free of potholes, and the like) and parking space lines and or markings shall be kept clearly visible and distinct.
         (d)   As required elsewhere by this chapter, curb and gutter shall be installed in accordance with § 153.151(D).
      (9)   Minimum parking requirements. Minimum parking requirements are listed within the “Table of use types and regulations” found in § 153.105(B).
         (a)   The number of parking spaces shall not exceed 110% of the minimum number of spaces required for the approved land use, except for residentially classified uses. Pervious pavers, with installation certified by a geotechnical engineer, utilized for parking spaces shall not be counted toward the total number of allowable parking spaces.
         (b)   The number of parking spaces to be required in special situations in which none of the above conditions are applicable shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
         (c)   University and college uses and ancillary uses typically associated with a university or college that are customary and subordinate may demonstrate the use and activity is being served with parking facilities located on campus or by remote parking.
   (B)   Off-street loading requirements.
      (1)   All uses and establishments commenced hereafter shall provide off-street loading spaces sufficient to allow all loading and unloading of vehicles to take place entirely within the property lines of the premises.
      (2)   The off-street loading space provided as required by this section shall be permanent space and shall not be used for any other purpose.
      (3)   A loading space requirement may be waived by the Board of Adjustment on application due to a limited need for loading space based on the nature of the building.
      (4)   Loading berths shall be designed, along with the means of egress and ingress to such berths, so as not to interfere with the free, normal movement of vehicles and pedestrians on public right(s)-of-way and shall have the following dimensions:
         (a)   Minimum width of 12 feet;
         (b)   Minimum length of 55 feet; and
         (c)   Minimum height clearance of 15 feet.
      (5)   The minimum number of off-street loading berths to be provided by individual establishments shall be according to the following schedule:
         (a)   Retail and service establishments. One berth for every 20,000 square feet of gross floor area; or portion thereof, however, two or more adjoining establishments with a total gross floor area of less than specified herein shall be considered as one establishment provision;
         (b)   Office buildings, hotels, and other institutional uses. One berth for every 50,000 square feet of gross floor area or portion thereof; or
         (c)   Industrial and wholesale establishments. One berth for every 10,000 square feet of gross floor area, or portion thereof, up to 30,000 square feet; one space for every 30,000 square feet of gross floor area, or portion thereof in excess of the first 30,000 square feet of gross floor area.
   (C)   Landscape requirements in parking area.
      (1)   Perimeter screening. The entire length of parking and vehicle circulation areas located along the public or private right(s)-of-way shall be screened using one of the following options.
         (a)   Berm. Berm, meeting the requirements of § 153.158(A)(3); or
         (b)   Evergreen vegetation.
            1.   Maintained at a minimum height of three feet;
            2.   Minimum planting size is 18 inches in height;
            3.   Spaced so that a continuous vegetative screen is establish within two years; and
            4.   A minimum of three feet shall be maintained between the vegetation and curb or wheel stop.
      (2)   Parking facilities with 30 or more spaces. Facilities with 30 or more spaces, unless located on or within a structure, shall be separated from the building and pedestrian walkways by a landscape strip or permanent planter boxes at least five feet in width and meeting the following requirements.
         (a)   The sum length of this landscape strip shall equal at least 50% of the length of that side of the building or walkway.
         (b)   When parking abuts the landscape strip, the width shall be expanded to six feet.
         (c)   Plantings shall be installed in accordance with the Type C buffer requirements found in § 153.158(A)(8)(d).
         (d)   Service and loading areas are exempt from these requirements.
      (3)   Vehicle use area planting.
         (a)   All parking spaces shall be within 50 feet of a tree trunk.
         (b)   Medians and/or islands planted with trees shall be at least ten feet wide with a minimum of 300 square feet of permeable soil.
         (c)   Tree shall be a minimum of two inches in caliper at planting.
         (d)   Trees planted in compliance with these requirements shall have demonstrated particular resistance to harsh growing conditions, diseases, and insects in this particular region.
      (4)   Maintenance.
         (a)   The owner(s) of the property shall be responsible for the installation, preservation, and maintenance of all plantings as required under this section.
         (b)   Any dead, unhealthy, or missing vegetation, or vegetation disfigured by severe pruning, shall be replaced in accordance with the standards of this section.
   (D)   Parking plan alternative. In lieu of compliance with the parking landscaping requirements of this section, an applicant may submit to the Planning Board for review and approval a detailed plan and specifications for parking. The Planning Board may approve the alternative parking landscaping plan upon finding that the proposal will meet or exceed the intent of this chapter. Applications for parking landscaping plan alternative approval may be submitted when unreasonable or impractical situations would result from the strict application of this section. The following criteria shall be used in determining whether a parking landscaping plan alternative can be accepted by the Planning Board in lieu of meeting the requirements of this section:
         (1)   The proposal includes a clear and concise explanation of the specific standards that cannot be met and how the alternative methods proposed will achieve the intent of this section;
         (2)   The proposal represents the use of alternative methods and/or materials which will result in a development pattern which is equivalent to or greater than that required by this chapter;
         (3)   The proposed use and design alternative is compatible with adjacent land uses;
         (4)   The proposal is compatible with and will enhance the use or value of adjacent and area properties;
         (5)   The proposal is consistent with the intent of adopted county plans; and
         (6)   The proposed development standards are, in all other aspects, consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 10-17-2011)