(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally break or cause to be broken, any glass, window, sash, blind, door, gate or fence, or in any manner to mar, deface or injure any house, building or other property on premises within the city, not his or her own.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally:
      (1)   Injure, remove, destroy, deface or interfere with any fence, wall, gate or turnstile bounding or enclosing any park, square, schoolhouse or other public building; or
      (2)   Remove, injure, mar or deface any street sign, traffic signal controller box, signal pole, street or sidewalk attached emblem, marker, raised button divider, street and sidewalk painted logo, or painted sign, lane divider other traffic aid marker, or any public or private building or other property to include public utilities.
(Ord. 2024-12, passed 5-28-24) Penalty, see § 106.99