(A)   All provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all food establishments unless specifically limited to food processing establishments or to food service establishments.
   (B)   No food service establishment or food processing establishment shall be operated within the city unless it conforms with the requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   A permit holder shall insure that the food establishment or mobile food unit is in full compliance with this chapter at all times. The person in charge shall insure that the food establishment is operated in full compliance with this chapter and that all food is stored, prepared, displayed, and served in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (D)   The sanitation requirements set out in this chapter shall be applicable to itinerant restaurants insofar as practicable. The Health Officer is authorized to make such inspections of itinerant restaurants as he may deem necessary for the protection of public health, and require such compliance with provisions of this chapter as will, in his judgment, safeguard the public health. No itinerant restaurant shall be operated more than ten days in any calendar year, and any operation for a longer period than ten days shall subject such itinerant restaurant to all the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, provisions requiring permits, permanent installations, prescribed equipment and specifications for floors, screens, and all other improvements.
(Ord. 79-1, passed 2-13-79)