(A)   (1)   With its application for a permit, the permit holder must file a statement with the Director describing the actions the permit holder will take:
         (a)   To assure that no illegal activities will occur on its premises; and
         (b)   To prevent activities on the premises from adversely affecting adjacent properties and business activities conducted on adjacent property.
      (2)   To maintain its permit, the permit holder must comply with the actions described in this statement. The permit holder will file such a security statement annually, on or before the anniversary date of its permit.
   (B)   The permit holder shall post at least two conspicuous signs of at least 18 inches by 18 inches stating that no loitering is permitted on the premises. At least one of these signs shall be posted on the exterior of the premises and one on the interior.
   (C)   The permit holder shall designate one or more employees to monitor the activities of persons on the premises by visually inspecting the premises at least once every 90 minutes.
   (D)   The permit holder shall provide lighting in the interior of the premises of a sufficient intensity to illuminate every place to which customers are permitted access at an illumination of not less than five foot candles as measured at the floor level.
   (E)   Any video cameras or monitors used by the permit holder shall operate continuously at all times that the premises are open for business and the operator shall record the video footage and maintain the footage for 30 days after it is recorded.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for a person having a duty under this section to knowingly or recklessly fail to fulfill that duty.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 4-14-20; Am. Ord. 2022-01, passed 1-25-22)