§ 159.02 DEFINITIONS. 
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANSI. The American National Standards Institute.
   dB(A). The sound pressure level in decibels, measured using the “a” weighted scale defined by ANSI.
   FAA. The Federal Aviation Administration or any board, commission, agency or other authority exercising its powers, duties or functions.
   HIGH PROFILE WIND ENERGY SYSTEM. A freestanding, tower-based wind energy system.
   LOW PROFILE WIND ENERGY SYSTEM. A wind energy system attached to a primary structure rather than a tower.
   PRIMARY STRUCTURE. A structure that is designed and regularly occupied as a residential dwelling unit, or to conduct business or commerce (including agricultural use).
   SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL. The sound pressure mapped to a logarithmic scale and reported in decibels (dB).
   TOWER. The monopole, freestanding, or guyed structure that supports a wind energy system.
   TOWER HEIGHT. The height of the tower, including the base, wind turbine and blades.
   TURBINE. The parts of a wind energy system including the blades, generator and tail.
   UTILITY GRID WIND ENERGY SYSTEM. A wind energy system designed and built with a primary purpose to provide electricity to the electric utility grid.
   WIND ENERGY SYSTEM or SYSTEM. A system that is designed and built with a primary purpose to convert wind energy into electricity through the use of a wind turbine, a tower or attached apparatus, and associated control or conversion electronics, and is intended for on-site production and consumption of electricity to serve the needs of the consumer on site. Systems capable of reversing the electric meter, as an ancillary function to on-site consumption, shall be included in this definition.
(Ord. 2009-02, passed 1-13-09)