(A)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the B-5 District that is permitted by right.
      (2)   Wood, paper, plastic container manufacture.
      (3)   Stone monument works.
      (4)   Foundry, forge plant, rolling mill, metal fabrication plant.
      (5)   Feed mill.
      (6)   Planing mill.
      (7)   Railroad yard, roundhouse, shop.
      (8)   Textile or garment manufacture.
      (9)   Automobile and equipment manufacture.
      (10)    Electrical equipment or appliance manufacture (large).
      (11)    Furniture, cabinet, kitchen equipment manufacture.
      (12)    Oil well tools, oil well equipment manufacture.
      (13)    Aircraft, aircraft hardware, or parts manufacture.
      (14)    Wholesale beer and malt liquor ware-housing (in wet areas only).
   (B)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in a more restricted district that is permitted by a conditional use permit.
      (2)   Paper products manufacture.
      (3)   Petroleum products wholesale storage.
      (4)   Processing of chemicals or mineral extractions, not elsewhere classified
      (5)   Food processing.
      (6)   Petroleum or chemical products manufacture (indoors).
      (7)   Sewage treatment plant.
   (C)   Height regulations. No building shall exceed a height of six stories or 75 feet.
   (D)   Area regulations. As per Table 21-A.
   (E)   Intensity of use. There are no minimum lot area or lot width requirements.
   (F)   Parking regulations. As per §§ 155.061 through 155.068.
   (G)   Signage. As per Chapter 151.
   (H)   Screening and buffering. As per § 155.050.
   (I)   Landscaping requirements. As per § 155.051.
(Ord. 2001-36, passed 11-13-01)