§ 157.10 ACCESS.
   Each site of a freestanding tower shall have direct access to a public street provided by a driveway that complies with city standards. The driveway shall extend from the street to an appropriate location on the premises where a maintenance truck and an emergency vehicle would need to be parked to provide maintenance, repair or emergency response. A paved area adequate in size to permit turnaround of a fire engine is required. If the driveway exceeds 50 feet in length, other acceptable pavement material for the portion beyond the first 50 feet may be requested. The driveway required by this section shall be clear at all times, and no object shall be placed or permitted to encroach upon such driveway in a manner which impedes the free and ready use of any portion of the driveway by emergency vehicles.
(Ord. 2001-14, passed 4-10-01)