   (A)   (1)   The town’s Reserve Unit is an association organized under the auspices of the town and was formed under a town ordinance and state statute to help the Town Marshal. It is run by the Marshal and the Reserve Commander, who is a regular member of the Department. The Reserve Commander is in charge of the Reserve Unit and, with the approval of the Marshal, takes charge of the unit’s activities and day to day performance.
      (2)   It is the duty of each member of the Reserve Unit to work with the Marshal and/or other members of the town’s Police Department. You will be called on to work as a secondary unit on the road or to work special events and details set forth by the Town Marshal. After state mandated training you will be given police powers (only while you are on duty), with the approval of the Marshal.
   (B)   (1)   Each member of the town’s Reserve Unit must be able to file and complete all police reports, fill out and send all affidavits to the respective courts and prosecutors, and complete all citation and warning tickets. You must make yourself familiar with the operation of all radio and office equipment and be able to operate said equipment.
      (2)   Each member of the unit will make themselves familiar with the policy and procedures of the Department in the areas of regular officers and follow these policies of the Reserve Unit. Any violation of policy and procedure of the town’s Reserve Unit or town’s Police Department may result in either suspension or dismissal from the unit. The Marshal reserves the right to dismiss any member of the Reserve Unit at any time. This is an appointed position.
      (3)   As a reserve for the town’s Police Department you are not entitled to any Department benefits. This is a volunteer organization.
   (C)   (1)   Each applicant that is to be considered for the Reserve Unit will be required to have an interview conducted by the Advisory Board before final decisions are made for the position.
      (2)   Each applicant will also have to meet the following qualifications:
         (a)   Applicant must be an U.S. citizen and a legal resident of county;
         (b)   Applicant must possess a valid Indiana driver’s license;
         (c)   Applicant must be at least 21 years of age or older and submit a copy of their birth certificate;
         (d)   Applicant must be willing to submit to a background, criminal history, and driving records check;
         (e)   Applicant must have a high school diploma or equivalent; and
         (f)   Applicant can not have been convicted of any felony and have a substantially clean driving record and criminal record.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
§ 32.056 DUTIES.
   Each member of the town’s Reserve Unit will, under the supervision of the Marshal, do the following.
   (A)   Each member must successfully complete a 40-hour pre-basic course that is required by state statute.
   (B)   After completion of the pre-basic course, each reserve will then qualify with his or her firearm by Department standards at a time determined by the Marshal.
   (C)   Each reserve will be required to put in an average of 12 hours of reserve time each month. This may vary from time to time with the authorization of the Marshal.
   (D)   The Clerk-Treasurer will swear in each member of the unit, after completion of the required courses, to the position of reserve deputy marshal.
   (E)   Each member will have the same police powers as a regular member of the Department while on duty. The Town Marshal may restrict these powers.
   (F)   The primary duty of each reserve is to work special events such as ball games, parades, and the like, and to perform other duties allowed by state statute set forth by the Town Marshal.
   (G)   The Marshal will evaluate each reserve. After being evaluated, each reserve will be able to patrol as a secondary unit on the road with full police powers set forth by state statute.
   (H)   Each member will be on probation for a period of one year. During that year, the required 12 hours per month will be with a full-time town police officer during their regular shift.
   (I)   No reserve shall be on patrol without another reserve or a regular full-time officer with the Department.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
§ 32.057 UNIFORMS.
   (A)   The uniform for each reserve will be the same as each regular member of the Department.
   (B)   All buttons, name tags, and/or other insignias will be silver or colored but not gold. The buttons may either be “P” or state seal buttons.
   (C)   Shoes must be black in color and be polished to a high gloss shine.
   (D)   Uniforms should be clean and pressed and one must be neat in appearance.
   (E)   Each reserve should be in full Department uniform while on duty.
   (F)   In the instance of being called in, the ranking duty officer can allow you to work in something other than full uniform.
   (G)   Each reserve will be responsible for the purchase and upkeep of their uniforms.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
§ 32.058 EQUIPMENT.
   (A)   Each reserve will be responsible for the purchase and upkeep of their firearms and any other equipment required by the Department.
   (B)   Each reserve shall carry any 9mm semi-automatic handgun with a minimum 12 round capacity. Each reserve officer shall carry two additional magazines for carried service weapon. No member shall carry a firearm until they are qualified to do so by the Department range officer.
   (C)   Each reserve will use either a black basket weave or black clarino duty belt. It is the responsibility of each member for the purchase and upkeep of their duty belts. Each belt and accessory will be polished to a high gloss shine and neat in appearance.
   (D)   Each member will be responsible for the purchase of all accessories for the duty belt (cuff cases, belt keeper, and the like) unless the Department has any used equipment available and such equipment will be issued on a first come first serve basis.
   (E)   All equipment, new or used, provided by the Department must and will be returned to the Department upon the resignation, dismissal, or retirement of the member. The equipment is expected to be in good condition and working order.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
   (A)   No reserve shall drive an emergency run (signal 10) until training with a regular officer and/or testing with the Marshal or Reserve Commander and only then with the approval of the Marshal. At no time shall a reserve member drive an unmarked car signal 10. No exceptions.
   (B)   A reserve will at all times drive with due regard for the public and the safety of others. A reserve will stop at all stop lights and signs and never pass on the right side of the road. Only in a case of extreme emergency should one drive over 15 miles over the speed limit.
   (C)   A reserve must wear a safety belt at all times and ensure that all occupants of the patrol car wear them also.
   (D)   A reserve is not to engage in pursuit driving at any time.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
   (A)   The Reserve Commander will be a regular full-time officer with the Department. The Marshal will appoint the Reserve Commander.
   (B)   The Secretary will be elected each year on the first meeting in December by a majority vote. That officer will run from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.
   (C)   It will be the duty of the Reserve Commander to run the meetings, to schedule the reserves for special events and details, and to be in charge of said events.
   (D)   The duties of the Secretary will be to take care of recording the minutes of each meeting.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
   (A)   The meetings of the Reserve Unit will be on the first Monday of each month. If the Monday is a holiday then the meeting will be moved to the following Monday.
   (B)   The Marshal may call special meetings. If a member feels that a special meeting is needed, he or she or she must contact the Marshal.
   (C)   The meetings will be conducted by the Marshal.
   (D)   The Secretary/Treasurer will give a financial report at each meeting.
   (E)   Meetings of the Reserve Unit are mandatory and every member is required to attend; exceptions will be made for emergency and work situations.
   (F)   Meeting time will not count towards a reserve’s hourly requirement.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
§ 32.062 TRAINING.
   (A)   Every member of the Reserve Unit is encouraged to attend any ILEA training or informal training put on by the County Sheriff’s Department, Madison Police Department, SEILETC, or town’s Police Department with the approval of the course instructor.
   (B)   After successful completion of your 40-hour pre-basic course, it will be the responsibility of the member to keep up with general training in certain areas (CPR, domestic violence, and the like).
   (C)   Any training can be determined mandatory at any time by the Marshal or Reserve Commander. All members will be required to attend, except for work or emergency situations. In those cases the Marshal or Reserve Commander needs to be contacted.
   (D)   Training time will count towards your hourly requirement.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
   (A)   If you are called for a court hearing, you should wear your uniform or proper business attire. No jeans or hats.
   (B)   There will be times you may have to wear something other than dress clothes or uniform to court i.e., search warrant hearings and, probable cause hearings for an arrest warrant. These instances are of course an exception.
   (C)   Be prepared and professional.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
§ 32.064 ATTITUDE.
   (A)   All members of the Reserve Unit will be polite to members of the general public at all times.
   (B)   All members of the Reserve Unit will refrain from talking about other members of the Department or Reserve Unit in a rude or insolent manor to members of the general public.
   (C)   At no time should a reserve member argue or disobey a regular member of the Department unless it is against state statute or a risk of injury or death to you or a member of the public.
   (D)   The senior officer on duty is in charge of each reserve unless the Reserve Commander or Marshal is with him or her.
   (E)   If at any time a problem or complaint arises between a reserve member and another reserve or regular officer, the Reserve Commander is to be advised of the complaint. If the complaint is about the Reserve Commander, advise the Marshal. Each reserve member will follow this chain of command.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
   Any time a complaint is made against a reserve member or a member is accused of being in violation of reserve policies or offenses listed in the Police Manual, the following procedures will be followed.
   (A)   The Marshal will investigate any complaint or violation.
   (B)   If the Marshal finds that there is enough merit to the complaint that warrants a suspension or dismissal, the reserve member will be given a chance to explain themselves at a hearing conducted by the Advisory Board and the Marshal.
   (C)   The Marshal will then make a final decision on suspension time or dismissal.
   (D)   If a hearing needs to be held, it will be scheduled by the Advisory Board at its earliest convenience.
   (E)   The Marshal still reserves the right to give temporary suspension before a hearing, if needed, or to dismiss any member for a violation witnessed by any member of any law enforcement agency.
   (F)   A record of any disciplinary action will be kept in the reserve member’s file.
   (G)   If a member is suspended, that member will be required to return all identification and equipment provided by the Department in 48 hours and may not attend any law enforcement function or activity. The member will have no police powers during his or her suspension period.
   (H)   The decision of the Advisory Board and the Marshal shall be referred to the Town Council for final action. The Town Council reserves the right to remove any reserve officer with just cause.
(Ord. passed 9-15-1999)
   (A)   There is hereby established the office of reserve deputy to be appointed by the Town Marshal and to serve under the Town Marshal. Reserve deputies serve at the pleasure of the Town Marshal and must be re-appointed if there is a change in the position of Town Marshal.
   (B)   Any person that makes an application for appointment as a reserve deputy marshal shall have a background investigation done. This background investigation shall consist of a NCIC/IDACS file check, local warrant check, and any out of state location at which the applicant may have resided for any period of time. An investigation as to the applicant’s driving history shall also be completed. A file shall be kept on each appointee to attest that his or her background investigation has been fully completed.
   (C)   The number of reserve deputies shall be limited to ten.
   (D)   Reserve deputies shall serve without remuneration of any type.
   (E)   Reserve deputies shall be added to the Department’s liability insurance plan.
   (F)   Reserve deputies shall be required to participate in a continuing education program after completing the basic Department training.
(Ord. 1999-2, passed 2-10-1999; Ord. 2012-7, passed 6-19-2012)