(A)   General. When the main building is erected or experiences a change in use or when such buildings is altered, enlarged, converted, or increased in capacity, there shall be provided minimum off-street parking space with adequate provision for ingress and egress by standard-sized vehicles under this requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Parking space requirements.
      (1)   Required number. The off-street parking spaces required for each use permitted by this code shall not be less than that found in Appendix B, and that any fractional parking space be computed as a whole space. No parking spaces shall be required for any uses in the Central Business District or Multi-Use (C2) District. Up to five spots of the parking requirement may be waived in the Residential District per the discretion of the CED Director when it is determined that doing so will not create a parking shortage in the surrounding neighborhood.
Automotive self-service station, service station, repair shop
Per service stall
Automotive self-service station, service station, repair shop
Per pump (includes the pump)
Bar with dance entertainment permit, over 3,600 square feet
Per two people of maximum capacity
Car wash (automatic)
Per employee
Car wash (self-service)
Per stall (includes the stall)
Dwelling unit
Per dwelling unit
Financial institutions
Per drive up windows (includes the window)
Financial institutions
Per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Per guest room
Per 500 square feet of common area
Industrial/manufacturing/research/warehousing establishment
Per 500 square feet of gross floor area
Per set washer/dryer
Medical/dental office
Per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Mortuary/funeral home
Per 50 square feet of gross floor area
Newly constructed professional office/personal service over 3,600 square feet
Per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Religious, cultural, and fraternal activities
Per every two seats based on maximum seating capacity
Religious, cultural, and fraternal activities
Per every 54 inches of bench seating
Schools (all)
Per faculty member
Schools with assembly halls
Per every two seats based on maximum seating capacity
Theaters, assembly halls over 5,000 square feet
Per every two seats based on maximum seating capacity
No parking requirements for the Central Business District (CBD) and Multi-Use (C-2) District for any use
      (2)   Combination of uses. If there is a combination of uses on a lot, the required number of parking spaces shall be the sum of that found for each use.
      (3)   Location of lot. The parking spaces required by this chapter shall be provided on the same lot as the use or where the exclusive use of such is provided on another lot nor more than 500 feet radially from the subject lot within the same or less-restrictive zoning district.
      (4)   Sharing of parking. If, in the opinion of the code official, sufficient evidence is provided by a property owner that different uses operating in different structures at different times have a written agreement to allow for the sharing of parking spaces that shall meet the parking space requirements and location of lot as identified in this chapter, the code official may consider the required number of parking spaces to have been met. Such agreement shall be a condition of any certificate of compliance and shall be reviewed annually by the code official. If such agreement at any time is no longer in effect, the code official shall have the authority to revoke the certificate of compliance.
      (5)   Bicycle facilities. All developments in the Commercial District may be designed to accommodate bicycle travel, including bike racks. Per the discretion of the Community and Economic Development Director, parking structures and parking lots may be required to provide sufficient bike racks based on a minimum of one bike for every ten automobiles or one bike for every 3,000 square feet of building floor area, whichever is greater. The use of enclosed bicycle storage and/or shared facilities is encouraged.
   (C)   Parking stall dimensions.
      (1)   Width. A minimum width of nine feet shall be provided for each parking stall, with the following exceptions:
         (a)   Compact parking stalls shall be permitted to be eight-feet wide.
         (b)   Parallel parking stalls shall be permitted to be eight-feet wide.
         (c)   The width of a parking stall shall be increased ten inches for obstructions located on either side of the stall within 14 feet of the access aisle.
      (2)   Length. A minimum length of 20 feet shall be provided for each parking stall, with the following exceptions:
         (a)   Compact parking stalls shall be permitted to be 18 feet in length.
         (b)   Parallel parking stalls shall be a minimum of 22 feet in length.
   (D)   Design of parking facilities.
      (1)   Driveway width. Every parking facility shall be provided with one or more access driveways, the width of which shall be the following:
         (a)   Private driveways shall be not less than nine feet and no more than ten-feet wide.
         (b)   Commercial driveways shall be not less than 12 feet and no more than 15-feet wide for one-way traffic and not less than 24 feet and no more than 27 feet wide for two-way traffic.
      (2)   Driveway and ramp slopes. The maximum slope of any driveway or ramp shall not exceed 20%. Transition slopes in driveways and ramps shall be provided under the standards set by the code official and the city's engineering firm.
      (3)   Stall accessibility. Each required parking stall shall be individually and easily accessible. No automobile shall be required to back onto any public street or sidewalk to leave any parking stall when such stall serves more than two dwelling units or other than residential uses. All portions of a public lot or garage shall be accessible to other portions thereof without requiring the use of any public street.
      (4)   Compact-to-standard stall ratio. The maximum ratio of compact stalls to standard stalls in any parking area shall not exceed one to two.
      (5)   Screening. A two-foot high buffer at the lot lines bordering a public way except an alley shall be provided for all parking areas of five or more parking spaces. The buffer shall be constructed of the same material used on the front facade of the main building or of shrubs.
      (6)   Striping. All parking stalls, except those inside a private garage or parking area for the exclusive use of a dwelling unit, shall be clearly striped.
      (7)   Lighting. All parking areas shall be illuminated. All lights illuminating a parking area shall be designed and located so as to reflect away from any street and adjacent property.
   (E)   Use of parking facilities.
      (1)   Storage. No motor vehicles or trailers shall be stored on any lot if the motor vehicle or trailer is not properly registered with the State of Michigan or does not display its proper current license plate as identified by its vehicle registration, unless such a motor vehicle or trailer is stored within a private garage.
      (2)   Repair. Except for emergency conditions, no repair of any motor vehicle shall be conducted outside of a private garage. Repairs of motor vehicles in private garages in residential zones shall be permitted only if the owner of the motor vehicle is repairing a motor vehicle of which a title is properly registered in his or her name, at the address that is shown on the title, and conducted by a person whose driver's license has the same address where the repairs are being performed and where the motor vehicle is registered.
   (F)   Requirements for residential driveways.
      (1)   Driveways in the residential district must hold at least two vehicles.
      (2)   Pervious driveway surfaces may be utilized to meet the landscape requirements of § 155.050(F)(9). Acceptable pervious pavements include porous asphalt or concrete and permeable pavers or others approved by the Building Official. Gravel and other loose aggregates are prohibited.
(Ord. 497, passed 2-3-2004; Am. Ord. 523, passed 6-13-2006; Am. Ord. 2011-7, passed 12-13-2011; Am. Ord. 2019-02, passed 10-8-2019; Am. Ord. 2020-28, passed 3-3-2020; Am. Res. 2021-46, passed 4-13-2021; Am. Res. 2024-75b, passed 8-13-2024)