A. Purpose: The purpose of the REC Recreational District is to provide for various recreational uses not otherwise allowed in the Village of Hampshire, and to encourage the development of recreational uses at designated locations in the Village having access to public highways and/or arterial roadways.
B. Land Use Regulations:
1. General Standards: Uses permitted in the REC District are subject to the following standards:
a. All business activity and servicing shall take place within completely enclosed buildings unless otherwise specified. All storage of property, except of motor vehicles in operable condition, shall be in completely enclosed buildings or structures.
b. All outdoor uses, except for public uses, must be effectively screened from any abutting residential property with appropriate landscaping.
c. Reserved.
d. Off Street Loading And Parking:
(1) Off street loading and parking facilities may be unenclosed throughout the REC District. Such unenclosed areas shall be effectively screened by a solid wall or fence (including solid entrance and exit gates) not less than six feet (6') nor more than eight feet (8') in height, or a landscaped buffer planted to effectively screen such parking and loading areas.
(2) The number of parking spaces required for any permitted use in the District shall be set in accordance with the requirements of section 6-11-2 of this Code, or, for any particular use not identified therein, one (1) space per four (4) persons in designed capacity or one (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of lot area, whichever is greater; or for any special use, by the special use review and approval process.
C. Permitted Uses: In the REC District, the only permitted uses shall be as follows:
Auditoriums, exhibition halls, banquet facilities, and meeting rooms.
Country clubs.
Fitness centers/health spas.
Movie theaters and playhouses - indoor.
Open space - public or private - including but not limited to bicycle paths, hiking trails, interpretive trails, or passive open space.
Parks and recreation areas - publicly owned and/or operated.
Playgrounds - with suitable play equipment; and including tot lots.
Skating rinks.
Studios for professional work or teaching of any form of the arts, including but not limited to photography, music, drama, dance, cooking, karate, computer use, yoga, and other similar uses.
Swimming pools - indoor and outdoor.
Wedding venues - indoor and outdoor wedding venues.
Accessory uses to permitted uses or approved special uses, including but not limited to administrative structures, restroom facilities, concession facilities, activity buildings, boat ramps and docks, club houses, and other similar uses.
D. Special Uses: In a REC District, the following may be allowed as special uses:
Dog parks.
Horseback riding stables and trails.
Other indoor and outdoor event venues, including but not limited to stadiums, amphitheaters, and bandshells.
Outdoor amusement establishments, water parks, miniature golf courses, kiddie parks, and similar amusement centers.
Recreational camping for temporary use only, including motor coach parks.
Solar energy systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVIII of this Code.
Sports and athletic facilities - indoor and outdoor - including but not limited to fields for baseball, football, or soccer; basketball courts; tennis courts, and other similar uses.
Wind energy systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVII of this Code.
Other recreational uses deemed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to be of the same general character as those listed herein.
E. Lot Area, Yard, And Bulk Requirements:
1. Minimum lot area: twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet.
2. Minimum lot width: one hundred fifty feet (150').
3. Minimum lot depth: one hundred fifty feet (150').
4. Minimum yard setback:
a. Adjacent to a street or road: one hundred feet (100').
b. Abutting an adjoining property: twenty five feet (25').
5. Maximum lot coverage: fifty percent (50%).
6. Maximum impervious surface coverage: seventy percent (70%).
7. Floor area ratio: 0.25.
8. Height of principal use: lesser of three (3) stories or fifty feet (50').
9. Height of accessory use: lesser of one story or fifteen feet (15'). (Ord. 21-45, 11-18-2021; amd. Ord. 24-03, 1-18-2024)