§ 137-10. Fences permitted in industrial zones.
[Added 6-24-1974 by Ord. No. 14-1974]
   Any property owner in the Town of Hammonton who has a structure erected or is in the process of erecting a structure on premises situate in an Industrial M1, Industrial M2 or Industrial M3 Zone, as defined in Chapter 175, Land Development, shall be permitted to erect a fence on said premises from the front building line of the structure, on a course not closer to the roadway upon which said structure fronts at any point than said front building line, to the side property line, and shall be permitted to construct a fence along both side property lines and the rear property line to the rear of the aforementioned front building line, which fence shall not exceed six feet in height from average ground grade at any point. The height restrictions of § 137-2, insofar as such conflict with this section, are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistency. All other provisions of Article I of this chapter not inconsistent with this section are hereby retained in full force and effect. Editor's Note: Former § 94-11, Removal of noncom plying fences or barriers, which immediately followed this section, was deleted at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).