§ 72-11. Use of airport by individuals other than commercial operators.
   Nothing in this chapter shall be considered as granting an exclusive right of use of Hammonton's airport facility which at all times shall be operated as open for public use. However, in light of the need for such public use being regulated so as to safeguard the airport facility and those legitimately using said facility and to protect the public welfare of the citizens and taxpayers of the town, the following standards are imposed on individual use:
   A.   No aircraft owner shall park and tie down his/her aircraft in any unauthorized area of the airport. Authorized parking areas shall be all those areas within the area shown on the Airport Layout Plan filed with and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, including but not limited to those areas within the responsibility and control of authorized commercial operators, as defined in § 72-8 of this chapter, as are designated as parking areas by the Airport Administrator. Areas for authorized public parking shall also be designated by the Airport Administrator within the town's right-of-way along Drivers Street in such portions of such right-of-way as are designated as available for public parking by the Airport Administrator.
   B.   No individual shall tie down on the airport unless said individual shall pay the prevailing rate for tie-downs then in effect at said airport.
   C.   No individual shall make any major repairs to an airplane at the Hammonton Municipal Airport unless within a permanent structure properly equipped to perform such repair services.
   D.   No person shall store or attempt to establish fuel facilities without a lease from the town and without compliance with the provisions of this chapter dealing with providing fueling services.
   E.   No person shall drive or park any automobile or other motor vehicle, including trailers, other than an authorized service vehicle, on any portion of the airport other than roadways and areas designated and marked as available for such use.
   F.   No individual shall walk upon or traverse any area marked as "restricted to authorized personnel only."
   G.   No person shall operate, store or maintain any airplane or otherwise use the Hammonton Airport in an unsafe, hazardous or negligent manner not in conformity with general aviation standards and all regulations of the town relating to use of said airport.