§ 72-8. Definitions.
   As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
   Any individual operator or operation who or which is entitled to or obliged to engage in any commercial aeronautical activity upon the Hammonton Municipal Airport which is defined and set forth in § 72-9 of this chapter or any subsection thereof. This definition shall include within its purview "fixed-base operator" as defined in § 72-8 as well as other commercial operators as herein defined.
   Any operator who is entitled to or obliged to engage in at least those activities defined in § 72-9B and F of this chapter, plus either of the activities defined in § 72-9C or D of this chapter. Any operator who falls within this definition of a "fixed-base operator" shall be required to meet all standards set forth in § 72-9J of this chapter.