§ 267-18. Enforcement; violations and penalties.
   A.   The provisions of this article will be enforced by the Town Code Enforcement Officer.
   B.   Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate any provision of this article shall be subject to one or more of the following: a mandatory fine of not less than $300 and not more than $1,000, or a period of community service, focused on the parks and open spaces of the Town, not to exceed 30 hours for each offense.
   C.   Each day on which trees are removed which are not in compliance with the standards of this article will constitute a separate violation.
   D.   For repeat offenses, the minimum mandatory fine is $500.
   E.   The fines collected in accordance with these provisions shall be utilized by the Environmental Commission to pay for the services of a tree expert, who shall be retained by the Town to perform periodic assessments of the health, general condition and life expectancy of any trees to be removed under this article. Any funds remaining shall be utilized by the members of the Environmental Commission for future tree planting and other necessary Environmental Commission functions, including but not limited to payment of dues and fees for attending educational classes, including but not limited to community forestry management classes.