§ 51-8. Grounds for dismissal from Department.
   Any member of the Police Department may be expelled, by a majority vote of the Mayor and Common Council, against whom any of the following charges are substantiated:
   A.   Intoxication or under the influence of any drug or other compound while on duty.
   B.   Willful disobedience of orders.
   C.   Indecent, profane or harsh language.
   D.   Unnecessary violence to a prisoner.
   E.   Absence without leave, sleeping on duty, absence from post of duty without excuse or not properly patrolling his/her beat.
   F.   Immorality, indecency or lewdness.
   G.   Incapacity, either mental or physical, lack of energy or gross ignorance of the laws and regulations of the Department.
   H.   Visiting, except on police business, any gambling house, poolroom or house of ill fame or visiting, while in uniform or on duty, except on police business, any saloon or liquor store.
   I.   Violation of any criminal law.
   J.   Making known any proposed action or movement of the force, or contents of any order, other than to persons immediately concerned with their execution.
   K.   Conduct unbecoming an officer.
[Amended 7-23-2001 by Ord. No. 26-2001]
   L.   Conduct subversive of good order and the discipline of the force.
   M.   Failure to report a known violation of law or of the ordinances of the Town or accepting a bribe or favor as a consideration either for the performance or nonperformance of his/her duty.
   N.   Visiting any place of amusement while in uniform, except on police business.
   O.   Swearing falsely in application for appointment to the force or to such other papers as required of him/her an affidavit, as provided for in § 51-2 of this article.
   P.   Soliciting anyone to intercede with the Chief of Police or the Mayor and Common Council in relation to changing of any beats, disposition of pending charges or any findings of a trial before the Mayor and Common Council or for refusing to do duty or evading duty of any kind whenever necessity requires, whether on patrol or elsewhere and whether in uniform or not.