(A)   In order to aid the supervision of the sale of cars and car parts to the end that only cars lawfully subject to sale and that only legitimate dealers shall engage in the sale of cars and car parts; safeguard life, health and property rights and to insure safety; avoid nuisances and fire hazards; and regulate locations with these factors in view, there shall exist a Licensing Committee on Automobile Dealers’ Licenses. This Committee shall consist of the Chief of Police, the City Controller, the City Attorney, the Chairperson of the Licensing Committee of the Common Council and 1 other member of the Council to be appointed by the Common Council. This Committee shall at its first meeting elect the officers as deemed necessary.
   (B)   The Licensing Committee on Automobile Dealers’ Licenses shall meet on the first Monday of each month or at a time reasonable and convenient to the members thereof to be designated by the Committee, upon notification by the City Controller that applications for a car dealer’s license in the city has been filed with the City Controller. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman of the Committee, at any time deemed necessary, upon written notice to all members.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of the Licensing Committee on Automobile Dealers’ Licenses to decide upon the following:
      (1)   Whether the applicant is a person of good moral character;
      (2)   Whether the applicant has a criminal conviction(s) demonstrating conduct involving theft, fraud, auto theft, conversion or other crimes of dishonesty;
      (3)   Whether the applicant proposed to engage in a legitimate car business; and
      (4)   Whether the proposed location would constitute a nuisance, fire hazard or in any way jeopardize the safety of citizens, as outlined in division (A) above.
   (D)   The Committee shall refuse, for cause, to authorize a license, or shall, if there is no cause for acting otherwise, authorize the City Controller to issue a license to the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 114.10) (Am. Ord. 8869, passed 8-13-07)
   Notice and hearing for refusal to issue license, see § 114.20