For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DWELLING UNIT. The abode of a family or a single unit providing complete, independent facilities for the exclusive use and enjoyment of a family, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
   FAMILY. One or more persons related by blood within the degree of first cousin or related by marriage or adoption and not more than 2 unrelated persons living as a single housekeeping unit.
   GUEST. A person who is a temporary resident (less than 25% of the time) of a dwelling unit and does not utilize the dwelling unit as a legal address for any purpose.
   OCCUPANCY. Adhering to the reasonable standard of 2 persons per bedroom set out in United Sates Department of Housing and Urban Development General Counsel Frank G. Keating’s memorandum dated 3-20-1991, (Title 63 C.F.R. part 243, 12-18-1998).
   OCCUPANT. A person occupying a dwelling unit, other than a guest, or using the property as a legal address for any purpose.
   PERSON. A corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization, company, limited liability company or any group acting as a unit, as well as a natural person. References in the masculine gender include the feminine and the neuter, in the present tense include the future and the singular include the plural.
   RENTAL HOUSING. A term denoting any room, dwelling unit, rooming unit or portion thereof let or intended to be let to a family or person for compensation.
   ROOMING UNIT. A room or suite of rooms forming a single, separate habitable unit to be used for living or for living and sleeping, but not for cooking and eating purposes.
(Prior Code, § 96.91) (Ord. 8327, passed 1-15-2001)