(A)   That portion of the federal grant to be recovered from industrial users shall be determined by calculating that portion of the design flow being contributed by industrial users and multiplying that portion by the federal grant amount (75% of the total grant eligible capital costs). The annual federal grant amount to be recovered will be the total amount to be recovered divided by 30 years. The formulas for these calculations are as follows.
      (1)   % industrial flow = industrial flow MGD design flow MGD x 100
      (2)   Federal grant amount = grant eligible cost x 0.75 = $
      (3)   Cost recovered from industrial users = federal grant amount x % industrial flow 100 = $
      (4)   Annual cost recovered from industrial users = cost 30 years = $ /per year
   (B)   To calculate industrial unit cost recovery charges, divide the annual recoverable amount calculated above by the total industrial flow, for the billing period. The formula for this calculation is as follows.
   Unit cost flow: ($/billing period/industrial flow 1,000 gal. ) = $/1,000 gal.
   (C)   The cost recovery charges to the individual industries (as defined and not excluded by provisions of this subchapter) shall be calculated by multiplying the unit cost as determined above by the industrial users actual flow. The formula for this calculation is as follows.
   ($/1,000 gal.) x (actual flow 1,000 gals. /billing period) = $
   (D)   In addition to the charges provided for herein, the city may impose a surcharge on any industrial user based on some other pollutant loading factor which requires special treatment at the sewage works.
(Prior Code, § 51.137) (Ord. 4288, passed 12-27-1976)