The Self Insurance Oversight Committee shall have the following powers and duties.
   (A)   Study and evaluate the city's Self Insurance Fund with the goal of containing, controlling and reducing the city's self insurance costs.
   (B)   Study and evaluate alternative forms of insurance available to the city, and review the insurance options used by other similarly situated municipalities.
   (C)   Draft and submit to the Common Council resolutions and ordinances designed to reduce the city's self insurance costs.
   (D)   Review and evaluate worker's compensation claims, litigation/liability claims and settlements.
   (E)   Hold regular meetings, no fewer than 3 times a year, and render an annual report of its doings to the Mayor and the Common Council.
   (F)   Upon showing good cause, investigate claims against the city's Self Insurance Fund and, when deemed necessary, investigate with full powers of subpoena for attendance of witnesses and/or production of documents. Upon the conclusion of any investigation, findings and recommendations shall be prepared and submitted to the Mayor and the Common Council.
   (G)   When necessary, proper and warranted, institute actions on behalf of the city for appropriate legal or equitable relief in the appropriate legal forum.
   (H)   The Self Insurance Oversight Committee shall at all times follow, comply with and obey HIPPA and other privacy laws.
(Ord. 8692, passed 9-12-2005)