(A)   Supervision of plumbing works and office hours. The Chief Plumbing Inspector shall have immediate supervision of all plumbing works. He or she shall maintain office hours necessary to efficiently administer the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Permits and examination of work, issuance generally. The Chief Plumbing Inspector shall require submission of, examine and check plans and specifications, drawings, descriptions and diagrams necessary to show clearly the character, kind and extent of plumbing work covered by the application for a permit and upon approval thereof, issue the permit.
   (C)   Copies. Plumbing permits shall be issued in triplicate, and the original permit shall be given to the applicant, the second copy with the amount of fee as shown on the permit shall be given to the City Controller, and the third copy shall remain in the Building Commissioner’s office.
   (D)   Certificates of approval or rejection. The Chief Plumbing Inspector shall inspect and issue a certificate of approval or rejection for any work approved or rejected by him or her.
   (E)   Records of licensed and registered plumbers. The Chief of Plumbing Inspector shall maintain an official record of all persons lawfully entitled to carry on or engage in the business of plumbing in the city to whom a state license has been issued and registered by the City Controller.
   (F)   Powers granted. The Chief Plumbing Inspector is hereby given the powers set forth in this chapter in addition to those given to him or her by virtue of any other law.
(Prior Code, § 156.30) (Ord. 3947, passed 11-26-1973) Penalty, see § 10.99