(A)   The Building Contractors’ Board of Examiners shall conduct examinations at reasonable intervals and test the qualifications of all applicants. All persons operating as building contractors shall take a written or oral examination limited to the specific type of work they are performing. A license shall be issued upon meeting all of the requirements of this subchapter, but the license shall be limited to the particular work in which the applicant was examined. Any building contractor desiring to enlarge his or her operation or provide service in a different area of work shall be required to be examined in that particular area of work. The Building Contractors’ Board of Examiners shall waive examinations to any present practicing contractor who, on or before June 12, 1965, furnishes the Board a signed affidavit attested to by a notary public that he is a practicing contractor in the city.
   (B)   The examinations and grading shall be honest, fair, and free from favoritism or unfair discrimination. The public interest shall be the paramount consideration.
   (C)   All persons and companies operating as building contractors who fail the test given to them for the specific type of work they wish to perform many retake a similar examination provided by the Building Commissioner. The number of retests is limited to 2, following the initial failure. No contractor or company may take the same contractor test more than 3 times in an single calendar year. Nothing in this division prevents or limits a contractor or company from taking a different test in a different area of work to perform, however, the total number of retests in any area of a work is limited to 2. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Hammond Building Commissioner upon a showing of good cause.
(Prior Code, § 150.09) (Ord. 3851, passed 11-13-1972; Am. Ord. 8963, passed 11-19-2008)