(A)   Reimbursement by the state. The State Treasurer may receive and allocate to the appropriate fund any reimbursement by the state to the city for expenses incident to training members of the ESDA, as prescribed by the State Director of ESDA; compensation for services and expenses of members of a Mobile Support Team while serving outside the city in response to a call by the Governor or State Director of ESDA, as provided by law; and any other reimbursement made by the state incident to ESDA activities as provided by law.
(Prior Code, Chapter 8, Article 3, § 8)
   (B)   Purchases and expenditures.
      (1)   The Mayor may, on recommendation of the City Coordinator of ESDA, authorize any purchase of contracts necessary to place the city in a position to combat effectively any disaster resulting
from the explosion of any nuclear or other bomb or missile and to protect the public health and safety, protect property, and provide emergency assistance to victims in the case of such disaster or from human-made or natural disaster.
      (2)   In the event of enemy-caused or other disasters, the Coordinator of the City ESDA is authorized, on behalf of the city, to procure such services, supplies, equipment, or material as may be necessary for such purposes in view of the exigency without regard to the statutory procedures or formalities normally prescribed by law pertaining to city contracts or obligations, as authorized by the State ESDA Act of 1974; provided, if the Mayor meets at such time, he or she shall act subject to the directions and restrictions imposed by that body.
(Prior Code, Chapter 8, Article 3, § 9)
   (C)   Appropriation - levy of taxes. The Mayor may make an appropriation for ESDA purposed in the manner provided by law and may levy, in addition, for ESDA purposes only, a tax not to exceed $0.05 property in addition to all other taxes, as provided by the State ESDA Act of 1975; however, that amount collectable under such levy shall in no event exceed $0.25 per capita.
(Prior Code, Chapter 8, Article 3, § 12)
(Ord. 1 (Series 1985-1986), passed 7-15-1985)