(A)   All commercial and residential uses in this district are prohibited unless such uses are provided for elsewhere in this subchapter.
   (B)   Any manufacturing or processing activity which is not conducted entirely within closed buildings in prohibited in District “M-1,” unless otherwise provided for in this subchapter.
   (C)   Heavy industrial activities including, but not limited to, such activities as chemical refining or manufacturing; gasoline, petroleum, tar, creosote, or other flammable liquids manufacture, treatment, or storage; foundries, coke ovens, or forges; ore reduction or smelting; stone milling or quarrying; cement, lime, mortar, gypsum, or plaster manufacturing or mixing at a central plant; brick, tile, pottery, or terra cotta manufacture (excluding handicrafts); rendering, distillation, or reduction of animal products, coal, or wood; reduction or dumping or garbage, offal, or dead animals; glue, size, gelatine,
tallow, grease, or lard manufacture; the slaughter of animals or fowls; tanning, curing, or storage of raw hides or skins; manufacture of soap other than liquid soap; operation of stockyards or confinement facilities; fertilizer manufacture; vehicle wrecking; bag cleaning; boiler works; arsenals; planing mills, rolling mills, and other uses which are noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of smoke, dust, fumes, gas odors, noises, or vibrations beyond the confines of the building are prohibited in the “M-1” District.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 9, § 2) Penalty, see § 156.999