§ 155.22 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   Improvement plans prerequisite. Before submitting the final plat to the City Council for approval, the subdivider shall furnish all plans and information as listed in §§ 155.55 through 155.59 necessary for the detailed engineering consideration of the improvements required under this chapter and obtain the approval of the City Engineer which shall be endorsed thereon.
(Prior Code, Chapter 16, Ch. 1.12, § 1.12.060)
   (B)   Final plat - approval - data required. For final plat approval, the subdivider shall submit to the City Council:
      (1)   Five copies of the final plat, plus one ink tracing;
      (2)   A performance guarantee in the amount approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney;
      (3)   One copy of the certified approved plans, profiles, cross-sections, and specifications; and
      (4)   A certificate from the City Engineer that the final plat is substantially in accord with the preliminary plan, as approved by the City Council.
(Prior Code, Chapter 16, Ch. 1.12, § 1.12.070)
   (C)   Copies filed. When the final plat has been approved by the City Council, the performance guarantee accepted, and all five copies of the plat duly certified, the same shall be delivered to the City Council, one copy to the City Engineer and one copy to the City Clerk for their respective files, and ten ink tracings to the subdivider for filing with the County Recorder. If the plat is disapproved by the City Council, such disapproval shall point out, in writing, wherein the proposed plat is objectionable.
(Prior Code, Chapter 16, Ch. 1.12, § 1.12.080)
   (D)   Copies to subdivider and utility companies. Upon receipt of the duly certified copies of the final plat by the City Council, the City Engineer shall determine house numbers and transmit copies of the plat to the subdivider and all utilities.
(Prior Code, Chapter 16, Ch. 1.12, § 1.12.100)
   (E)   Receipt deemed authorization to proceed. Upon receipt of the duly certified final plat and construction permit from proper EPA authority, the subdivider is authorized that he or she may proceed with the installation and construction of the required improvements.
(Prior Code, Chapter 16, Ch. 1.12, § 1.12.110)
   (F)   Final plat.
      (1)   Dimensions; scale; requirements. The final plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn in ink to a scale of one inch to 100 feet or less and on one or more sheets whose maximum dimensions are 24 inches by 36 inches. If more than two sheets are required, an index sheet of the same dimensions shall be filed showing the entire subdivision. The final plat shall be on tracing paper and shall show:
         (a)   The title under which the subdivision is to be recorded;
         (b)   The name or names of the owners an subdividers;
         (c)   The date, scale, and north point;
         (d)   The legal description of the area being platted;
         (e)   Accurate distances and bearings of all boundary lines of the subdivision including all section, U.S. survey, and congressional township lines;
         (f)   Center lines of all proposed and adjoining streets with their right-of-way width and names;
         (g)   Lines of all lots with a simple method of numbering to identify all lots and blocks;
         (h)   All building lines and all easements provided for public service together with their dimensions and any limitations of the easements;
         (i)   Any and all dimensions necessary for accurate location of the boundaries of the site to be developed and of all streets, lots, easements, and dedicated areas. These dimensions shall be given to the nearest one hundredth of a foot;
         (j)   All radii, arcs, points of tangency, central angles, and lengths of curves;
         (k)   Certification by a registered land surveyor that the final plat as shown is a correct representation of the survey as made;
         (l)   All survey monuments and benchmarks, together with their description;
         (m)   Private restrictive covenants and their period of existence; and
         (n)   The accurate outline, dimensions, and purposes of all property which is offered for dedication or is to be reserved for acquisition for public use or is to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision.
      (2)   Plans, profiles, and cross-sections. The subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer, as required in division (B) above, the following plans, profiles, and cross-sections, drawn to a horizontal scale, of one inch to 100 feet or less and a vertical scale of one inch to 20 feet or less and specifications for the construction of the improvements for the subdivision, as required in §§ 155.55 through 155.59. All elevations shall be referred to mean sea level. Those plans, profiles, and cross-sections include:
         (a)   The plan and profile of each street with tentative grades and street intersection elevations;
         (b)   The cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of roadways, present and proposed grade lines, and location and size of utility mains. The cross-sections shall be taken and platted at intervals of not more than 50 feet along the centerline and shall extend out to the sides to that point where the proposed grade intersects the existing grade. In no case shall these cross-sections be extended less than the full width from building line to building line;
         (c)   The plan and profile of proposed sanitary sewers and stormwater sewers with grades and pipe sizes indicated, and a plan of the proposed water distribution system showing pipe sizes and locations of valves and fire hydrants; and
         (d)   Specifications for the required improvements. Standard specifications approved by the City Engineer may be used.
(Prior Code, Chapter 16, Ch. 1.28)
(Ord. 2 (Series 1979-1980), passed - -)