(A)   Contractors. No contractor for any public work or any officer or other person making any excavation in any street, avenue, alley, or sidewalk of the city, shall leave the same open and unprotected by lights or otherwise in the nighttime so as to endanger the safety of persons or animals passing thereby.
(Prior Code, Chapter 14, Article 2, § 3)
   (B)   Written permits - contractors. No contractor, builder, or other person shall encumber or obstruct any street, alley, or sidewalk in the city with building or other like materials without a written permit from the Chairperson of the Public Works Committee nor shall, except in case of necessity and for a short time only, encumber or obstruct more than one-third of any street or alley or one-half of any sidewalk nor shall such obstruction continue in any case longer than may be necessary in the diligent erection of such building or the prompt execution of the work.
(Prior Code, Chapter 14, Article 2, § 4)
   (C)   Obstruction - rebuilding and repair. No building, fence, fixture, or other erection or enclosure heretofore erected or built and encroaching in whole or in part on any street, avenue, alley, or sidewalk of the city shall be repaired or rebuilt.
(Prior Code, Chapter 14, Article 2, § 5)
   (D)   Permits - removal of building. No person shall remove or cause to be removed any building through or along any street, avenue, or alley of the city without a written permit from the Chairperson of the Public Works Committee nor shall, in removing such building, unnecessarily encumber or obstruct any street, avenue, or alley for a longer time than may be necessary for prompt and diligent removal thereof.
(Prior Code, Chapter 14, Article 2, § 6)
   (E)   Openings adjoining streets. No person shall leave open or permit to be left open any cellar door, basement entrance, vault, cistern, well, ditch, or other like pit or hole on or adjoining any street, avenue, alley, or sidewalk within said city without securing or protecting the same so as not to endanger the safety of persons or animals passing thereby from failing therein.
(Prior Code, Chapter 14, Article 2, § 8)
Penalty, see § 151.99