§ 151.03 TREES.
   (A)   Destruction of trees. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to injure, mar, destroy, cut, break, or tear any shrub, tree, or plant or part thereof in any street, avenue, alley, public ground, or place in said city or any part of any tree being in any such place. Whenever any person or corporation has lawful authority to place wires, conduits, poles, or other things in any such place he, she, or they shall do so in such manner so as not to injure, break, destroy, or tear any such tree, shrub, or plant unless unavoidably necessary to properly place such wires or conduits. Then, he, she, or they must have a written permit from the Public Works Director to do so only to such necessary extent and shall be liable for all damages incurred thereby. This section shall not be held to apply to the city or to its authorized agents, servants, or employees in the maintenance, repair, or regulation of any such street or place.
   (B)   Public Works Committee. The title to and regulation of all trees, plants, and shrubs located in or growing upon any public street, alley, avenue, public ground, or other public place within the said city, and it is hereby made the duty of the Public Works Committee to cause all branches of trees in the streets, alleys, or avenues of the city to be kept trimmed to a height of not less than ten feet above the ground.
(Prior Code, Chapter 14, Article 4) Penalty, see § 151.99