(A)   Sale of flammable liquids. No person shall, within the city, keep and sell any gasoline, naphtha, benzine, kerosene, or other like inflammable or explosive substances, except as hereinafter provided.
      (1)   No person who keeps or sells any gasoline, naphtha, or benzine shall be permitted to keep in stores to exceed one barrel of each, which shall be kept in a metallic can, free from leakage, and in a building detached and at least 30 feet distant from any other building; such building shall be so built and constructed as to permit the escape and prevent accumulation of any inflammable or combustible vapor; no artificial light, except electric, shall, at any time, be permitted in or about any building where such gasoline, naphtha, or benzine is kept or stored.
      (2)   No person who keeps or sells within the said city any kerosene or other illuminating oil shall be permitted to keep or store, at any one time, quantities to exceed five barrels of such oil, which shall be of the U.S. standard 110 degree and shall be kept in a metallic can or tank free from leakage; stored in a part of the building remote from any fire, lamp, or artificial light, except electric; and where it can be easily removed in case of fire nor shall any person handle or sell kerosene or illuminating oil by any artificial light, except electric.
      (3)   Provided, nothing in this division (A) contained shall be held to apply to any tank or tanks equipped with pumps, where such tanks are buried in the street or under the sidewalk or buried under the ground on private property, and provided further, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to install any such buried tank, equipped with pump or pumps, for the storage and sale of gasoline, naphtha, benzine, or kerosene except by permission of the City Council or some committee of the City Council authorized by the Council; provided further, all such permits shall be executed in writing, in duplicate, one copy of which shall be displayed by the dealer in his or her place of business and the other filed with the City Clerk, subject to public inspection.
      (4)   All receptacles for gasoline used in the retail trade shall be red and shall be labeled “gasoline” in letters of contrasting colors and of a height of not less than one-half inch, and it shall be unlawful, in such retail trade, or anything pertaining thereto to put gasoline into any receptacle of any other color than red or not labeled as above required.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 1, § 44)
   (B)   Sale of fireworks. No person shall sell, keep, discharge, or expose for sale within the corporate limits of the city any fireworks, firecrackers, torpedoes, Roman candles, skyrockets, or other pyrotechnic display or merchandise to be used for such display containing dynamite or any other explosive material; provided, the discharge of firearms by the members of any military company, when on parade and in accordance with the command of the commanding officer or by any city officer or other person in the discharge of any legal duty or lawful act (when the same may be done in such a manner as not to endanger the safety of any person or result in the injury of any property) shall not be deemed a violation hereof.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 1, § 45) (Ord. 8 (Series 1983-1984), passed - -)
Penalty, see § 132.99