(A)   Gaming. No person shall play for money or other valuable thing at any game with cards, dice, checks, or billiards or with any other article, instrument, or thing whatever which may be used for the purpose of playing or betting upon or winning or losing money or anything of value nor shall bet on any game others may be playing.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 1, § 18)
   (B)   Common gaming house. No person shall keep a common gaming house or in any building, place, booth, yard, or garden by him or her or his or her agent used and occupied, procure, or permit any persons to frequent or to come together to play for money or other valuable thing at any game nor shall keep or suffer to be kept any tables or other apparatus for the purpose of playing at any game or sport for money or any valuable thing nor shall keep or rent any such place for any such purpose.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 1, § 19)
   (C)   Lottery tickets. No person shall vend, give away, or otherwise dispose of any lottery tickets.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 1, § 20)
   (D)   Tricks and games. No person shall manage, use, or practice any trick, slight of hand, game, or device whatever with the intent of winning or procuring the property or money of another person by inducing him or her to bet, loan, deposit, or stake money or property upon the result of such trick or game.
(Prior Code, Chapter 11, Article 1, § 21)
Penalty, see § 130.99