A golf cart or UTV operated on a city street shall have the following equipment in good working condition at all times:
   (A)   Brakes;
   (B)   Steering apparatus;
   (C)   Tires;
   (D)   Rearview mirror;
   (E)   A “slow-moving” emblem, as required by 625 ILCS 5/12-709, attached to the rear;
   (F)   Headlights that emit white light visible from at least 500 feet to the front;
   (G)   Taillights that emit red light visible from at least 100 feet from the rear;
   (H)   Brake lights on the rear; and
   (I)   Seat belts for each passenger
(Ord. 2 (Series 2014-2015), passed 5-19-2014) Penalty, see § 70.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 625 ILCS 5/12-709