§ 50.44 FITTINGS.
   (A)   All fittings used in connection with the cast iron pipes shall be of corresponding weight and quality, and changes in direction of waste shall be made by “Y” or one “Y” branch, one-sixteenth, one-eighth, or one-sixth bends wherever possible; where closets connect to a vertical line of waste pipe, a sanitary “T” must be used.
   (B)   Bands, saddles, or sleeves are prohibited on all waste or soil pipes, and cement joints are prohibited on any waste, vent, or drainage pipe inside the building. The cast iron waste pipes shall be carried at least three feet outside of the building. House traps are prohibited, and cellar and floor drains must be separately trapped.
(Prior Code, Chapter 20, Article 8, § 7) Penalty, see § 50.99