A.   Department of Public Works and Parks616.
      (1)   Powers617. The Department of Public Works and Parks shall, except as otherwise supplemented by the Legislative Council, have supervision and control of the planning, constructing and reconstructing, altering, paving, repaving, maintaining, cleaning, lighting and inspecting of all Town infrastructure, including, but not limited to, streets, bridges, parkways, public drains, sidewalks and curbs, sanitation, trees, buildings and grounds and fleet maintenance 618. Unless otherwise authorized and agreed to by the Mayor and the Legislative Council, the Department shall be responsible for controlling, maintaining, developing, operating and managing all public grounds, buildings, equipment and facilities provided by the Town for park purposes 619.
         (a)   Any provision of this section to the contrary not withstanding, the Department of Public Works and Parks may maintain and care for school buildings and grounds, but only if and to the extent and for the period requested by the Board of Education and approved by the Council, provided the costs are charged against the Board of Education's appropriations620, 621.
      (2)   Director of Public Works and Parks622. The head of the Department shall be the Director of Public Works and Parks, who shall exercise the powers and duties of the Department under the direction of the Mayor 623.
         (a)   Appointment624. The Mayor shall appoint the Director of Public Works and Parks as set forth in § 8-2.A of this Charter. The Director of Public Works and Parks shall serve a term coterminous with that of the appointing Mayor, subject to the provisions of §§ 3-10.A(2) and 8-2.B of this Charter and until a successor shall be appointed and shall have qualified.
         (b)   Qualifications625. The Director of Public Works and Parks shall be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications or experience. Said qualifications shall be in accord with nationally accepted professional standards and best practices in the applicable field as developed pursuant to § 8-2.F of this Charter.
         (c)   Appointment and Removal of Employees626. Subject to the Merit System, except as hereinafter provided, the Director shall appoint and may remove all other employees of the Department.
         (d)   Tree Warden627. The Director of Public Works and Parks shall supervise the tree warden, with all the powers and duties provided by Law.
         (e)   Additional Park functions. The Director shall (i) perform such park duties as the Mayor may direct; (ii) consult with any Board or Commission established to address park and/ or recreational functions 628; (iii) prepare regulations for the use of said park facilities for recreational programs; and, (iv) recommend, to the Department Head responsible for recreational activities, the fees to be charged for such use 629, 630.
   B.   Engineering Department631.
      (1)   Powers632. The Department shall be responsible for providing professional engineering services to assist in maintaining and improving the Town's infrastructure. Moreover, the Department shall provide or supervise planning, surveying, design, and construction administration and inspection services for the Town's capital improvement projects, including highway, bridge, storm drainage, and other municipal infrastructure projects.
      (2)   The Town Engineer633. The head of the Department shall be the Town Engineer who shall, under the Charter and Ordinances, be subject to the general direction of the Mayor in all matters concerning the engineering needs of the Town. The director shall be responsible for the efficiency, discipline and good conduct of the Department and have direct supervision of the members of the Department.
         (a)   Appointment634. The Mayor shall appoint the Town Engineer as set forth in § 8-2.A of this Charter. The Town Engineer shall serve a term coterminous with that of the appointing Mayor, subject to the provisions of §§ 3-10.A (2) and 8-2.B of this Charter and until a successor shall be appointed and shall have qualified.
         (b)   Qualifications. Said Town Engineer shall be a professional engineer licensed or certificated by the State in accordance with the General Statutes, experienced in the active practice of the profession 635. Furthermore, said qualifications shall be in accord with nationally accepted professional standards and best practices in the applicable field as developed pursuant to § 8-2.F of this Charter 636.
         (c)   Appointment and Removal of Employees637. The Town Engineer shall have charge of all engineering work of the Town and shall appoint (subject to the provisions of the Merit System) and remove such other assistants as may be required.
         (d)   Responsibilities638. The Town Engineer shall be responsible to the Mayor and shall have the duty of advising the Department of Public Works and Parks and any other Board, Commission or Department 639 concerning engineering problems.
615   Charter Revision of 2011.
616   1983 Charter Chapter VII. Recreation function is hereby repealed.
617   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 7-1, by adding the following clause: "all Town infrastructure, including, but not limited to..."
618   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 7-1 (first sentence).
619   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 9-1 by deleting "recreation" purposes (first sentence, first clause).
620   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 7-1 (second sentence).
621   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 9-1 (first sentence, second clause). The current provision is within the Department of Parks and Recreation and, with respect to facilities and grounds, reads "...except those under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education which may be used by the Department of Parks and Recreation with the consent of the Board of Education". This provision recognizes that the town owns the facilities and property; although recognizes the practical reality that the management of Education grounds and facilities is maintained by employees of the Board of Education, within their budget. Hence, the need for a policy following consultation with the Board of Education.
622   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-2.
623   Consistent with 1983 Charter § 7-2 (fourth sentence) by replacing "supervision" with "direction".
624   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-2 (first sentence); in lieu of the following: "...shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of the Council and may be removed by the Mayor".
625   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-2 (second sentence) with the addition of the following: "Said qualifications shall be in accord with nationally accepted professional standards and best practices in the applicable field as developed pursuant to 8-2.F of this Charter."
626   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-2 (third sentence).
627   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-2 (fifth paragraph).
628   Modification of 1983 Charter § 9-2 (sixth sentence).
629   Modification of 1983 Charter § 9-2 (fourth sentence).
630    9-2 (first, second and third paragraphs) is repealed.
631   Charter Revision of 2011.
632   Charter Revision of 2011.
633   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-3.
634   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-3, in lieu of the following: "The Mayor shall appoint and may remove, subject to the merit provisions of this Charter, a professional engineer..."
635   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-3 (first sentence, first clause).
636   Charter Revision of 2011.
637   Modification of 1983 Charter § 7-3 (first sentence, second clause).
638   1983 Charter § 7-3 (second sentence).
639   "Department" includes "...or agency".