A.   Commencement of the Term of Office.
      (1)   Elected Officials 45. The Elected Town Officials are: (a) Mayor; (b) Town Clerk; (c) Fifteen (15) Members of the Legislative Council (six (6) At-Large and one member from each of the nine (9) voting districts) 46; and (d) Nine (9) members of the Board of Education 47. The Registrars of Voters are also considered to be Elected Officials.
      (2)   Municipal Offices (including Board of Education) 48. The terms of all Elected Officials declared elected hereunder shall commence at twelve noon on the last Sunday of November following their election and until their respective successors have been chosen and qualified 49.
      (3)   State Office - Registrars of Voters 50. The terms of the Registrars of Voters shall commence on the date set forth in the General Statutes.
   B.   Date of Election of Elected Officials.
      (1)   Municipal Offices 51. Except as hereinafter provided, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday,
         (a)   in November 2013 and in the odd numbered years thereafter, as the term of office shall fall (as set forth in § 3-3.C (1) of this Charter), the Electors of the Town shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes and the applicable provisions of this Charter, the following officers: (i) Mayor; (ii) Town Clerk; (iii) Members of the Legislative Council (six (6) At-Large and nine (9) District Representatives); and, (iv) Six (6) members of the Board of Education; and,
         (b)   in November 2015 and in the odd numbered years thereafter, as the term of office shall fall (as set forth in § 3-3.C of this Charter), the Electors of the Town shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes and the applicable provisions of this Charter, three (3) members of the Board of Education.
      (2)   State Office - Registrars of Voters 52. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2014 and in the even numbered years thereafter as the term of office shall fall (as set forth in § 3-3.C (3) of this Charter), the Electors of the Town shall elect, in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes and the applicable provisions of this Charter, Registrars of Voters (Transition Provision A: See, § 11-7 of this Charter pertaining to the transitional election scheduled for 2012).
   C.   Term of Office 53.
      (1)   Four Year Term:
         (a)   Members of the Board of Education 54. Commencing at twelve noon on the last Sunday of November following the election of six members in 2013 (for those set forth in § 3-3.B(1)(a)(iv) of this Charter) and three members in 2015 (for those set forth in § 3-3.B(1)(b) of this Charter) and quadrennially thereafter, Members of the Board of Education, shall hold their respective offices for a term of four (4) years.
         (b)   Mayor and the Town Clerk 55. Commencing at twelve noon on the last Sunday of November following the election of 2025 and quadrennially thereafter, the Mayor and the Town Clerk shall hold office for a term of four (4) years.
      (2)   Two Year Term: Members of the Legislative Council 56. Commencing at twelve noon on the last Sunday of November following their election in 2013 and biennially thereafter, the Members of the Legislative Council shall hold their respective offices for a term of two (2) years.
      (3)   Four Year Term: Registrars of Voters. Commencing at twelve noon on the last Sunday of November following their election in 2014 and quadrennially thereafter, the Registrars of Voters shall hold their respective offices for a term of four (4) years (Transition Provision B: See, § 11-8 of this Charter pertaining to the transitional election scheduled for 2012).
   D.   The names of all candidates duly placed on the ballot shall be arranged as set forth in the General Statutes. All elected offices shall be filled as a result of the election process57.
   E.   Election of At-Large Members of the Legislative Council 58. The Electors shall vote for no more than four (4) of the at-large candidates for the Council 59. Each major or minor party, as defined by the General Statutes 60 and petitioning slates of candidates (if permitted by the General Statutes), may nominate up to four (4) candidates for the members at large, and those six (6) candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.
   F.   Election of Members of the Board of Education 61.
      (1)   Six Members of the Board of Education Elected Pursuant to § 3-3.B(1)(a) of this Charter. With regard to the six (6) members of the Board of Education elected in accordance with § 3-3.B(1)(a) of this Charter, no more than four (4) members shall be from the same political party.
      (2)   Three Members of the Board of Education Elected Pursuant to § 3-3.B(1)(b) of this Charter. With regard to the three (3) members of the Board of Education elected in accordance with § 3-3.B(1)(b) of this Charter, no more than two (2) members shall be from the same political party.
45   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-2 (second sentence). This provision consolidates all the municipal officials in one section.
46   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 3-1 entitled “Composition” (first sentence). This provision establishes the number of districts at nine.
47   Charter Revision of 2011.
48   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-2 entitled “Town Elections” (third and eighth sentences).
49   1983 Charter section 12-1 (eleventh sentence) utilizes the term “elected and qualified.”
50   Charter Revision of 2011. See, C.G.S. § 9-190a entitled “Election of registrars at state elections.”
51   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-2 entitled “Town Elections.” The new provision includes reference to the number of Legislative Council Members as established in § 3-3A(1), above; and moves the class of six members of the Board of Education to this provision in order to commence the alignment of all Elected Officials for a four-year term.
52   Charter Revision of 2011. This provision is designed to address the four-year term for Registrar of Voters and the establishment the alignment to the gubernatorial election cycle, as set forth in Transition Provision C in § 11-9 of this Charter.
53   Revised (2011): Two-year term for Mayor, Council and Town Clerk; including an alignment of the election cycles for Registrar of Voters and members of the Board of Education, in accord with C.G.S. § 9-189a entitled “Four-year terms for town clerks, registrars and treasurers.”
54   Charter Revision of 2011.
55   NEW (2022).
56   2022 recodification of 2011 § 3-3.C.(2).
57   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 2-2 entitled “Town Elections.” Modified, in part, and repealed, in part, as follows: (1) The following portion of § 2-2 (sixth sentence) was replaced by the proposed language: “The number of persons sufficient to fill the offices to be filled shall be elected.” (2) The following portion of § 2-2 (fifth sentence) was repealed: “The names of all candidates duly nominated shall be arranged on the voting machines in alphabetical order of their surnames within the party line after the title of the office to be filled, except that all at large candidates for the Legislative Council shall be listed before district candidates.” The issue is addressed by C.G.S. §§ 9-251 entitled “Order of office on ballot labels,” 9-253 entitled “Order of names of party nominees for multiple-opening office determined by lot. Order when candidate nominated by more than one party”; 9-437 entitled “Form of ballot label. Position of candidates’ names on ballot. Sample ballot labels. Voting instructions and information”; and, 9-453r entitled “Position of candidates’ names on ballot.”
58   2011 modification of 1983 Charter section 3-1 (third sentence), replacing "political party" with "major" or "minor" party reference and adding "Petitioning slates of candidates (if permitted by the General Statutes)".
59   1983 Charter § 3-1 (second sentence).
60   At the time of adoption “major” and “minor” parties are defined in C.G.S. § 9-372(5) and (6).
61   2011 modification of 1983 Charter § 12-1 (first sentence) entitled “Board of Education.”